
#4 Tags file name configuration


It would be useful if user can configure tag file name other than "tags".
I some time want to switch tags files for different tools or different languages.
It's great if TagLEET searches for TagLEET.ini for upper directory from the directory of source code file currently active, then gets tags file path from the ini file, or another configuration.


  • Gur Stavi

    Gur Stavi - 2017-03-29

    I see it confusing more than helpful since the simplistic interface does not even tell you which tags file is used and I like it that simple.
    Feel free to give detailed example of your directory tree and why do you need multiple tags files. Maybe I will be convinced.

  • Yuki

    Yuki - 2017-03-29

    I get it.
    I remembered that some tools on cygwin require cygwin style path in tags file.
    I want to switch tags files when I use these tools.

  • Yuki

    Yuki - 2017-03-30

    Just adding configuration dialog box which user set tags file name globally might be enough for this purpose.
    I mainly want to use different tags files for different tools so far.


    Last edit: Yuki 2017-03-30
  • Yuki

    Yuki - 2017-03-30

    Another example is:
    I some time refer source codes put in shared folder, but someone already put tags file.
    I don't want over write this file and want to create tags file for me using another file name.

  • Gur Stavi

    Gur Stavi - 2017-03-30

    The shared folder is slightly a justifiable reason. Although in a world dominated by git and other source control managers it seems like s bad practice to use shared source directory instead of local copy from a repository.

    An 'ini' file at the source tree just moves the problem since 2 users of TagLEET will still have the same issue.

    Defining tags file from the dialog is not good since it overrides the up-tree search and cause problems for users (like myself) who jump between multiple source trees, each with its own tags file.

    A proper solution will be to add configuration file to TagLEET in which you can define multiple entries of the format:
    DIR1 --> DIR2
    When TagLEET will do the up-tree search if it reaches DIR1 it will not search for the tags file but would rather resume the search in DIR2. That way you could define
    This definition will be local to your Notepad++ so it will not affect other users.
    I will need to be careful to not allow infinite loops during the file search.

    Doubt I will start with it soon but maybe someday.

  • Yuki

    Yuki - 2017-03-30

    Thank you very much for your consideration.


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