
#2 case insensitive tag jump


It would be nice if user can select case sensitive / case insensitive of tag search.

  1. Add a button to switch case sensitive / case insensitive / auto in tool bar.
  2. When user select auto, TagLEET checks the language definition to ignore case and switch the mode automatically


  • Gur Stavi

    Gur Stavi - 2017-03-25

    Tag lookup is basically binary search over the tags file. The tags file is either sorted case sensitive or sorted case insensitive. Looking against the sort order is inefficient.
    The user can generate the file anyway he wants.
    99.9% of the times the tags file covers files of a single language which is either. I am not going to implement a 'slow alternative' for the very very unlikely case that it isn't.

  • Yuki

    Yuki - 2017-03-26

    Thank you for your comment

  • Yuki

    Yuki - 2017-03-28

    I could jump to the target symbol after I rebuild tags file with --sort=foldcase option.
    Thank you very much for your advice.

  • Yuki

    Yuki - 2017-03-28

    It may be helpful if some warning about sorting is shown when symbol is not found.

  • Gur Stavi

    Gur Stavi - 2017-03-28
    • status: open --> closed

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