
Tactics3D / News: Recent posts

Build 0.12 now available

Added super powers, design doc at

Fixed numerous bugs related to pressing the "Return" or "Enter" keys at times the game was not ready to handle the input properly

Fixed camera bug when taking a warrior's viewpoint that could cause an unnecessary rotation

(Linux only) - "Back" button in Online screen now works

Posted by Dylan Blair 2015-07-08

Build 0.11 now available

Added rudimentary networking support. One player supplies a local IP address as a host and plays as the philosophers. Another player joins at this address and plays as the musicians.

Online games are largely implemented using a non-authoritative, peer-to-peer approach.
Disconnection errors are not handled gracefully; many features are lacking.

Here is a list of commands currently sent across the network:
a) Warrior attributes at setup
b) Initiative rolls every combat round (host is authoritative)
c) Warrior actions every combat round (with all relevant options for each action)
d) Attack rolls (each peer is authoritative for their rolls)
e) Movement updates (sent often during move actions; receiving clients lerp between updates)

Posted by Dylan Blair 2015-03-25

Build 0.10 now available

One more small step towards alpha!

Posted by Dylan Blair 2014-01-29

Build 0.09 now available

Keep the survey answers coming, people. They definitely help.

Posted by Dylan Blair 2013-02-04

User Feedback

After trying the game, please fill out this 4 question, multiple choice usability survey. Your feedback is appreciated:

Posted by Dylan Blair 2012-09-07

Build 0.07 now available

Windows binaries and Linux makefile included.

Fixed threading assert on GCC builds
1st pass at weapons using spread
Added UI features to support seeing weapon spread
1st pass at eliminating camera roll
Fixed bug in axis-angle lerp
Refactored some sweep tests
Replaced some stl containers with EASTL

See the READMEs on the website for more info.

Posted by Dylan Blair 2012-09-07

Build 0.06 now available

Windows binaries and Linux makefile included.

Collision system - Fixed multiple bugs, added some sweep tests
Separated Ogre interface from Core library and put into OgreCore
1st pass at inventory system with a sample weapon
Added weapon fire with raytraces (currently an overpowered feature)
Added ability to select fighting style in character setup screen
Added soak/smoke tests
Updated dependencies... read more

Posted by Dylan Blair 2012-01-04

Build 0.05 now available

Windows binaries and Linux makefile included. See the READMEs on the website for more info.

Posted by Dylan Blair 2011-01-24

Build 0.04 now available

Windows binaries and Linux makefile included. See the READMEs on the website for more info.

Posted by Dylan Blair 2010-06-08

Still Alive

This project has slowly and quietly been worked on for the past few months. Expect big things in 2010!

Posted by Dylan Blair 2010-01-15

New release with level designer

A level designer that uses the .NET framework has now been added to the game release. The game has only minor updates to handle updated dependencies and a few new pieces of artwork.

Posted by Dylan Blair 2008-03-02

Deployment fix to initial release

Fixed deployment bug and replaced version 0.01.
See the Installation section of the README.

Posted by Dylan Blair 2007-03-16

Initial Release

Hello world, version 0.01 is now available. The low version number is indicative of the current number of features offered. Several notes here are important:
1) This initial build is not meant to be "fun"; its sole purpose is to demonstrate to the community that work is progressing and to entice other developers to come on board.
2) The final game design revolves around a player controlling a team of 4 warriors, either all philosophers or all musicians. This build only contains 2 philosophers who are both controlled by players on the same machine. Thus, there is no AI and no networking.
3) The only actions a player-controlled character can do is perform a basic attack and move.
4) All artwork is currently temporary.
5) There is very little in-game help.... read more

Posted by Dylan Blair 2007-03-13