
Version 3.42

  • fixed HL_OUTPUT in Lua state for HL_FORMAT_XHTML and HL_FORMAT_TRUECOLOR values
  • fixed lib-shared make target
  • updated astyle code to release 3.1.0 beta
  • added Polygen and EBNF2 syntax definitions
  • added pywal terminal colouring template in extras/pywal
  • added reformatting style ratliff
  • added extras/langDefs-resources/cleanslate.lang
  • improved Perl6 compatibility
  • improved PHP string interpolation
  • improved Haskell definition (
  • CLI: added --canvas option to define background color padding in ANSI output (
  • GUI: added French translation
  • GUI: added Scripts tab
  • GUI: minor bugfixes
Posted by André Simon 2018-01-23

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