
SyncMLDotNet / News: Recent posts

SyncML .NET Client API migrated to .NET Framework 4

SyncML .NET Client API was migrated .NET Framework 4.
1. Refactoring
2. Outlook Addin target Office 2010 though the older addin targeting Office 2007 can actually run well on Office 2010.
3. The deployment of the Outlook Addin now uses MSI rather than ClickOnce.

Posted by Zijian 2013-01-13

The source code SyncML.NET Client API is released

The source code of SyncMLDotNet Client API was released on 18, May 2008. Along with online documents in SourceForge, the SVN repository includes design documents and test cases. Please check:

SyncML.NET Client API is a set of .NET components talking to SyncML servers such as Funambol server. SyncMLDotNet project is not a port from Funambol's Sync Client API Native C++ / Java J2SE to .NET, but a totally new design taking advantage of Microsoft .NET Framework. The components were designed for developing pure .NET SyncML client programs in order to synchronize info of existing .NET applications with other programs and devices.... read more

Posted by Zijian 2008-05-18

SyncML Client for Open Contacts just Came

SyncML Client for Open Contacts is the first application built on the SyncMLDotNet components. The program can synchronize contact info between Open Contacts and a Funambol server.

Please check the program at

The program was well tested with a local installed Funambol server, and

While the original course of this project was to provide a synchronization solution to Open Contacts, this program have become a live example of SyncMLDotNet. ... read more

Posted by Zijian 2008-05-07


The major components has been tested well through unit test. Zijian is making a demo program to glue the components.

Posted by Zijian 2008-04-16