
Symphonic 0.3 does not launch on mac os x

  • pedrord

    pedrord - 2009-01-12

    I just downloaded the new version and when I try to pen it i get an eror message saying "The Java JAR file "JSymphonic_0.3a1jar" could not eb launched". An ideas why this is??

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2009-01-16

      Well, if you copy/paste the exact error here, the name is not the right one:  use "JSymphonic_0.3.0a1.jar" instead.

      Bug, as it is reported in the tracker, Java 6 is needed to launch this version. We are correcting that, the next alpha will be launchable with java5.

      You can see the bug report here:

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Any idea when the next alpha might be released to enable lauching with J2SE 5.0. My mac is 32 bits and cannot run J2SE 6.0.
      Thx for your work.

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2009-02-17

      Well, I have some other bugs to correct before releasing a beta version, but for users in need, I'm often build a .jar file with the last changes made on the svn.

      And Java 5 is now supported in the svn, so if you download the last build from the svn repository, you will be able to launch it with mac OS:

      (works since build 20090213)

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      I downloaded the the latest as well as the the version from the svn rep.
      Neither of them works on my apple.
      After doubleclicking the jar file I get a window showing me that the jar launcher crashed. In hte report the following was found:

      Process:         Jar Launcher [40080]
      Path:            /System/Library/CoreServices/Jar Launcher
      Identifier:      Jar Launcher
      Version:         ??? (???)
      Code Type:       X86 (Native)
      Parent Process:  Jar Launcher [40079]

      Date/Time:       2009-02-23 17:58:27.893 +0100
      OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G55)
      Report Version:  6

      Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
      Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x000000000003302c
      Crashed Thread:  0

      I tried starting the files using JAVA SE 5 as well as JAVA SE 6.

      Does anyone has a clue for this issue?

      Thankk you in advance for your support.

      all the best


    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2009-02-24

      It seems like you have a problem with the application in charge of lauching the java programs, not with JSymphonic.

      Try to run the following command in a terminal:
      java -jar NAMEOFTHEJAVAAPP.jar

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It is working for me now.
      Took build 20090220, but needs to be launched from Mac HD and not from my MW-005.
      Had to set the Device path manually.
      To make the file transfer work, I needed to set the transfer prefs to "NEVER read the Tags but use the folder structure instead"
      Thanks a lot ;-)


      Posted on 2009-02-14 20:30
      ---Any idea when the next alpha might be released to enable lauching with J2SE 5.0. My mac is 32 bits and cannot run J2SE 6.0.
      ---Thx for your work.

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2009-03-07

      You should be able to launch it from the device itself, and to read tag... can you contact me so that we try to fix that !?


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