
support for SONY NW-A806

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    hello folks.

    first of, Syphonic is the only program sofar that gets music on my NW-A806. great! also like the java aspect of it!

    now, when i detach the player, the player informs me that it is put in simple mode. i can see the tracks. but the player reports that the tracks are corrupt when i try to play them.

    why is that?

    is there support for this mplayer un Symphonic?

    are there any solutions?
    let me know if you require more information.


    • Daniel Žalar

      Daniel Žalar - 2008-09-15


      this player is not yet supported. Please check back in few weeks!

      regards, Daniel

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2008-11-23

      Well, actually, this walkman is not fully supported, this basic music transfer should work... Just wait for version 0.3 comming soon, I hope it will solve your problem.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      Today I tried this software with my A806. Importing went fine and I also could play the songs. I also got the simple mode message.

      Exporting music resulted in corrupt mp3s I got
      [mpg123.c:945] error: Initial seek failed: Error reading the stream. (code 18)
      on my system when wanting to play them.

      Also, when the exporting directory doesnt exist, Symphonic waits and waits. Until you create it. I dont know if this happens in the preferences screen and you hit ok.. I think it is, out of my head. I cant verify.

      Thanks and keep up the good work :)

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2008-12-11

      ok ! thanks for the comment, it should be better in upcoming version 0.3.0


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