
Podcast support

  • Martin Leopold

    Martin Leopold - 2008-03-25

    Hi All.
    I've been using the podcast feature of "NW-E00x Mp3 File Manager" (which from what I gather is the ancestor of this project), are you planing a similar feature for Symphonic?

    Martin Leopold.

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2008-03-31

      Well, to be honest, I'm not using podcast... And I was the only active member on JSymphonic since a short time... so it was not part of my plans.

      But, as you asked for, I add it in the feature requests, but with a lower priority than transcodage, playlist and cover supports.

      So, when this 3 features will be supported, just expect to have podcast appearing in the next version ;-)

      PS: you are welcome to join us to code it... it doesn't seem so difficult, and most part of the code from the last project should be reusable... but it is not my priority.

    • Francois L'Archeveque

      I also liked the podcast feature of "NW-E00x Mp3 File Manager" so add a second vote for it.  I don't have time to code it unfortunately.

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2009-01-17

      I've just increase the priority of the feature in the tracker, and I will do so for each new person asking for it.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2009-03-07

      ok, priority increased ! but please, give a name when posting anonumously ;-)

    • Steven  McDougall

      Having just got a NW-A3000 from a friend this week and never having experienced the NW-E00x Mp3 File Manager.I am an avid podcast downloader of it would be great to download straight to my device , so put my vote to bump this feature.
      Cheers from Scotland

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2009-04-07

      ok, priority increased !


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