
Album cover

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I have recently started using Symphonic and it is a great program. I imported a NW-A829 from Japan and needed a program to import music on a Mac. Symphonic works great but I can't seem to work out how to import the album art into the Sony Walkman. My music files are MP3 with ID3 Tag v2.3 all with album art attached to it via iTunes.

    Any help or suggestions would be great. Thank you!

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2008-05-09

      Album covers are not supported in 0.2.1a version... but the feature is currently under developpement. However, it won't be ready for the next release, v0.3... You will have to wait until v0.4... sorry but a lot of work is currently done, and some user can't use JSymphonic with their walkman, and this has a higher priority. But, cover support is planned ;-)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you for the reply. Your work with JSymphonic is greatly appreciated. It has definitely saved me a lot of headache with my A829 Walkman and Mac =)

    • Skiron

      Skiron - 2008-07-01

      thanks :-)

      me either with linux ;-)


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