
SymmetricDS / News: Recent posts

3.12.6 Released

SymmetricDS 3.12.6 is now available.

  • Conflict resolver inclusion of unique key and win/lose foreign key chain
  • Fixes for multi-primary replication and initial load
  • Postgres improved conflict resolution to avoid aborted transactions
  • DB2 support for XML data type
  • DB2 z/OS support for loop prevention and CLOB data type
  • Fixes for conflicts during initial load

See change log at

Posted by Eric Long 2021-01-11 Labels: release

3.12.5 Released

SymmetricDS 3.12.5 is now available.

  • Better support for multi-primary replication on busy systems, including registration, initial load, and conflicts
  • Fixed auto resolution of data conflicts on PostgreSQL 9.5 and newer
  • Fixed illegal state exception from staging
  • Support for more types and index options in DDL for SQL-Server and Postgres
  • Used "create or replace" for triggers on SQL-Server to eliminate momentary missing trigger
  • Upgraded libraries based on security scans... read more
Posted by Eric Long 2020-11-09 Labels: release

3.12.3 Released

SymmetricDS 3.12.3 is released!

  • Performance fix for transforms when using bulk loader
  • Security upgrades for embedded Jetty web server and Postgres driver
  • Registration compatibility fix when using different versions
  • Log file fixes for log rotation and showing stack traces in new file
  • Fix for staging using stream to file threshold
  • Load filters fix for using wildcards

See the changelog at

Posted by Eric Long 2020-09-01 Labels: release

3.12.2 Released

SymmetricDS 3.12.2 is released! Mostly bug fixes, but a new feature is included for TLS cerificate authention:

  • Added https.need.client.auth property for enabling client TLS cert authentication before sychronization
  • Fixed auto resolution of conflicts when the blocking row references itself with a foreign key
  • Fixed partial reloads from sending too many rows when table has self-referencing foreign key
  • Fixed too long identifier error on Oracle server that is running in compatibility mode
  • Fixed error in conflict detection for Oracle and SQL-Server with LOB/TEXT data types
  • Fixed missing dependencies for Kafka module and fixed Confluent publishing issue
  • Code cleanup for miscellaneous null pointer exceptions
Posted by Eric Long 2020-07-20 Labels: release

3.12.1 Released

SymmetricDS 3.12.1 is released! This release includes 11 bug fixes, 4 improvements, and 1 new feature. Here are some issues to mention:

  • Ingres database support with change data capture is now working and enabled!
  • Purge job query was optimized to reduce CPU on database
  • Fixed various HTTP/2 problems and backwards compatibility with older clients
  • Kafka integration bug fixes
  • Authentication for JMX with option for localhost only
  • Fixed custom before trigger text
  • Fixed SQL-Server binary types in primary key... read more
Posted by Eric Long 2020-06-29 Labels: release

3.12 feature release

SymmetricDS 3.12 is released, with new features and improvements for database replication!

  • Better conflict resolution when using bidirectional replication. The system default resolver now uses newer time of change capture.
  • Smaller download size. A module system available from symadmin command lets you download additional drivers and features.
  • Support for data sync over HTTP/2. More secure and more efficient.
  • Node login attempts are now recorded and a parameter controls locking out nodes with too many failed attempts.
  • Improved Oracle triggers for handling of multiple character sets in same database
  • Upgrade to log4j2 for the logging system, which is better supported upstream... read more
Posted by Eric Long 2020-06-08 Labels: release

3.11.4 Released

SymmetricDS 3.11.4 is released! The patch releases now include 22 bug fixes and 15 improvements.

  • Fixes for MySQL, Oracle, SQL-Server Azure, Interbase, and DB2
  • Optimizations for routing and gap detection
  • Fixes for the auto resolve of foreign keys
  • Support for Hadoop HBase and Google BigQuery

See changelog:

Posted by Eric Long 2020-01-29 Labels: release

3.11.0 Released

SymmetricDS 3.11.0 is released! The router service now uses fewer data events, which improves performance and reduces runtime table size. The initial load now queues in the background on its own job. The purge service was optimized to be faster overall and handle the problem of offline nodes. Support was added for SAP HANA database as a target. Security was improved by moving authentication to the HTTP header and using temporary tokens. ... read more

Posted by Eric Long 2019-11-15 Labels: release

3.10.5 Released

SymmetricDS 3.10.5 is released. This release includes 14 bug fixes and 12 improvements. Here are some issues worth mentioning:

  • Optimized pull to close connections sooner
  • Added support for security definer on Postgres
  • Better handling of zero date conversion on MySQL
  • Fixed dialect detection and upgrade on DB2 for i, AS/400
  • Fixed case where initial load could get stuck
  • Fixed registration race condition
  • Purge performance improvement on stranded data
  • Option to skip rows with excessively large LOBs
  • Listener API extension for initial load at target... read more
Posted by Eric Long 2019-11-01 Labels: release

3.10.4 Released

SymmetricDS 3.10.4 is released! This release includes 18 bug fixes and 12 improvements. Here are some issues to highlight:

  • Performance improvements for initial load extract
  • Support for Firebird 3
  • Support installation of service on MacOS X
  • Upgraded to latest Oracle driver and Jetty server
  • DbSql can now run statements from a file
  • Data type fixes for SQL-Server, MySQL, and Oracle... read more
Posted by Eric Long 2019-08-23 Labels: release

3.10.3 Released

SymmetricDS 3.10.3 is released. This release includes 30 bug fixes and 7 improvements. Here are some issues to highlight:

  • Better support for Java 11 and 12
  • Support for sticky session with AWS ELB
  • DbExport option to exclude tables
  • Handling of table names containing special characters
  • Reduced number of threads in ack service
  • Fixed purging of incoming batches immediately for initial load
  • Fixed syncing of data when primary key includes binary type
  • Fixed enums for table creation on MySQL/MariaDB
  • Fixed miscellaneous DbCompare bugs... read more
Posted by Eric Long 2019-06-25 Labels: release

3.10.2 Released

SymmetricDS 3.10.2 is released. Together with 3.10.1, these releases include 13 bug fixes and 10 improvements. (If you are using 3.10.1, it contains a serious query syntax error that can surface in routing when many data gaps accumulate, so we strongly advise upgrading to 3.10.2.) Here are some improvements to highlight:

  • Initial Apache HBase support
  • Support for MongoDB clusters
  • Re-clearing table if intial load extract is interrupted... read more
Posted by Eric Long 2019-05-08 Labels: release

3.10.0 Released

SymmetricDS 3.10 is now available! This is a new minor (X.Y) release with 30 improvements, 5 new features, and 15 bug fixes! We focused on improving the speed, reliability, and status of the initial data load. For change data capture, we enhanced fallback operations to get a target back in sync while avoiding sync errors. This release includes support for the Snowflake data warehouse as a target database, and it can be bulk loaded using Snowflake's internal staging, AWS S3, or Azure managed storage. Here are some improvements in this release:... read more

Posted by Eric Long 2019-03-14 Labels: release

3.9.17 Released

SymmetricDS 3.9.17 is released, with 10 bug fixes and 4 improvments. Some highlights:

  • Data type fixes for Oracle RAW , SQL-Server datetime2, and PostgreSQL tsvector
  • Cascade delete added to the table schema replication
  • Estimated counts of tables for faster setup of initial load
  • Fix tables from altering on each startup on PostgreSQL 10

Posted by Eric Long 2019-02-12 Labels: release

Happy 11th Birthday 🎂 SymmetricDS !

Eleven years ago today, SymmetricDS was released as version 1.0. It was "scratch your own itch" software born from a point of sale project that needed to sync MySQL at retail stores to Oracle at the home office. Building on that initial code, more features and databases were soon added. Today, we have an active community and support for more than 20 databases! Thanks for everything you do with SymmetricDS!

Posted by Eric Long 2018-11-02

3.8.0 Released

SymmetricDS, the open source data replication tool for databases and file systems, has a new release of version 3.8.0! This release includes 12 new features and makes 40 improvements! We focused on performance, network efficiency, and monitoring capabilities for this version. Here are some highlights:

  • Multiple threads sync channels in parallel, with additional threads for extract, send, and load.
  • Channels can be throttled to limit their network bandwidth.
  • Caching was added to reduce database queries needed for operation.
  • Optimized data gap detection to improve routing performance.
  • Keepalives are used during push and pull to prevent the connection from timing out.
  • Batches retry from staging instead sending over the network again.
  • Monitoring of system problems with notification via email.... read more
Posted by Eric Long 2016-08-10 Labels: release

3.7.0 Released

SymmetricDS, the open source data replication tool for databases and file systems, has a new release of version 3.7. This release fixes 10 bugs, makes 12 improvements, and adds 2 features. This is a minor release that focuses on usability, documentation, and some infrastructure adjustments. The documentation is updated and includes new topics. Extension scripts and code can now be added to configuration to customize data synchronization. The server detects extensions in the configuration and automatically compiles and registers them at runtime. The target_schema_name for routing can now use an expression that includes replacement variables. See the changelog for more information.... read more

Posted by Eric Long 2015-01-08 Labels: release

3.6.0 Released

SymmetricDS 3.6.0 was released, which fixes 19 bugs, adds 34 improvements, and adds 9 features.

This minor release includes some great new features to expand your synchronization scenarios and improve performance. Extensions can now be added in configuration using Java code for routers, transforms, and load filters. While it's still possible to use BeanShell scripts for extensions in your configuration, using Java results in much faster performance. The MySQL bulk loader is officially released, along with updates to the bulk loaders for SQL Server and PostgreSQL that include LOB handling. A MongoDB data loader is included, which lets you sync relational data into MongoDB documents and collections. The file synchronization includes new features for syncing by control file and deleting after sync. File sync was stress tested and has new concurrent locking for improved scalability. Dynamic channels were added to allow more flexibility, which allows multiple reload channels.... read more

Posted by Eric Long 2014-06-24 Labels: release

3.5.21 Released

SymmetricDS 3.5.21 was released, which fixes 4 bugs and adds 4 improvements. Fixes include an early commit bug that was causing lock timeouts, and accurate statistics on the initial load. Improvements include case insensitivity for transforms and better performance of some queries on PostgreSQL. See the changelog for more information.

Posted by Eric Long 2014-04-29 Labels: release

3.5.16 Released

SymmetricDS 3.5.16 was released, which fixes 10 bugs and adds 4 improvements. Fixes apply to dialects (H2, PostgreSQL, Sybase), file sync, wildcard triggers, transforms, and API. Improvements made to math transforms, variable column transform, locking, and command invocation.

See the changelog for more information.

Download SymmetricDS 3.5.16 now.

Posted by Eric Long 2014-02-05

3.5.15 Released

This release fixes two bugs and adds one improvement. Fixes were made to the start scripts and using multiple routers to the same node. The startup was improved to detect changes to the sync URL.

Posted by Eric Long 2014-01-23 Labels: bugfix

3.5.14 Released

SymmetricDS 3.5.14 was released, which fixes 6 bugs and adds 4 improvements. Fixes were made to routing, data gap detector, upgrade process, and syncing smallints on Oracle. Improvements were made to the support snapshots, SQL events, shorter classpaths, and documentation. See the changelog for more information.

Posted by Eric Long 2014-01-18 Labels: bugfixes

SymmetricDS 3.5.13 Released

SymmetricDS 3.5.13 was released, which fixes 7 bugs and adds 4 improvements. Many of the issues were platform specific, with fixes for Android, Firebird, Oracle, SQL-Server, and Sybase platforms. Improvements were made to the REST API and initial load process.

Posted by Eric Long 2014-01-08 Labels: bugfixes


SymmetricDS 3.5.12 patch was released. This release fixes 15 bugs and makes 3 improvements. Issues were fixed in transforms, REST API, file sync, initial load, and dialects for Oracle, SQL Server, and Firebird. Improvements were made to the initial load extract and logging.

Posted by Eric Long 2013-12-19 Labels: Bugfixes

3.5.11 Released

SymmetricDS 3.5.11 patch version is released. This release fixes 3 bugs and adds 1 feature and 4 improvements. Issues were fixed in load filters, symadmin tool, and the SQL Server dialect. Improvements were made to the load filters, API, and Oracle timestamps. A new feature was added to exactly replicate schema during initial load when using the same database platforms.

Posted by Eric Long 2013-11-18