
Partial index is not supported and recreate wrong index

  • Stephane B.

    Stephane B. - 2015-06-19

    I have a table that I want to replicate that has a partial index has a unique constraint. SymmetricDS does not support this and incorrectly replicate the index without the clause, which creates more problems.

    Is there any way around this ? (short of manually dropping the index or recreating it with the partial version)

    basically table is:

    create table group_items (
       id serial,
       group_id int,
       item_id string,
       deleted_at timestamp
    create unique index unique_active_group_item_idx references group_items(group_id, item_id) where deleted_at is null;

    and the index being recreated is:

    create unique index unique_active_group_item_idx references group_items(group_id, item_id)

    Last edit: Stephane B. 2015-06-19
  • Chris Henson

    Chris Henson - 2015-06-20

    The only workaround right now is to not use that feature of SymmetricDS.

    I have in the past used initial.load.schema.dump.command and initial.load.schema.load.command to dump and load a schema during initial load. To use those you have to have command line utilities that can dump and load the schema.

    There is also initial.load.before.sql. You can keep a create script in sym_parameter under that parameter name and it will be run before the initial load starts.

  • Chris Henson

    Chris Henson - 2015-06-20

    I opened an issue for this. In the next year we want to do some major work on our schema creation support. We'll keep this in mind.


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