
Swiftweasel session closes unexpectedly

  • snippetcreator

    snippetcreator - 2007-08-04

    The other day I installed Swiftweasel on my Linux-from-scratch 6.2 box with Athlon 2000+ processor. The program starts ok but after the (extremely fast) rendering of a (any) page the program closes unexpectedly without any errormessage !? Does anybody know what could be wrong ?

    • SticKK

      SticKK - 2007-08-05

      This  is not the normaly how it should act. That there is no warning or error message is a problem. Have you tried running swiftweasel from a terminal and seeing if any errors show when it closes?

    • snippetcreator

      snippetcreator - 2007-08-05

      Console output is:

      INTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not get the plugin manager
      System error?:: Success

    • SticKK

      SticKK - 2007-08-06

      Do you have firefox installed? If so what plugins are installed?

      • snippetcreator

        snippetcreator - 2007-08-06

        Yes, I forgot to mention I have  already (self-compiled) version of Firefox installed.
        The used plugins are Java (JDK-1.5.0_12),  RealPlayer for Linux , libunixprintplugin (don't know where that came from) and Flash. I forgot to copy these to Swiftweasels own plugin dir and so I corrected it but this does not stop Swiftweasel unexpectedly closing after rendering a page. I did notice however that I don't have this problem when rendering simple static pages. So my guess at the moment is that it has *something* to do with Java.

    • SticKK

      SticKK - 2007-08-07

      From what I have looked into , yes, its a java problem. If your setup has plugins in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins swiftweasel will see them, no need to copy them into place. Have you tried compiling a version of Swiftweasel for your own use?

      • snippetcreator

        snippetcreator - 2007-08-07

        Ok, problem solved. It seems I had two links to One pointing to blah-blah/ns7-gcc29/ in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins that was put there by Java-SDK installation program and one pointing to blah-blah/ns7/ in /usr/lib/firefox- put there by myself per LFS book instructions. I deleted the link pointing to the java plugin in ns7-gcc29 directory and made a link in Swiftweasel's own  plugin dir pointing to the java plugin in ns7 directory and now Swiftweasel works perfect. Thanks for your patience.
        G.J. :-)


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