
APT Repository

Pac Shady
  • Pac Shady

    Pac Shady - 2007-10-28

    Hey stickk!

    I noticed the lack of a deb repository for use with apt-get, so to perform a service to you for making an awesome Firefox/Thunderbird mod/recompile (and to everyone else here who uses it!) I took it upon myself to add your packages to my repository (at least until you get one of your own ;)).

    Then I hit a snag. Due to the internal name for each package being the same ("swiftweasel" or "swiftdove") regardless of architecture, I found it difficult to set them up neatly (apt-get would only download the first package in the Packages file matching the name instead of giving the choice for each architecure).

    Would it be possible, if you get the time :), to change the packages to include the architecture within the internal name? For instance, the Swiftweasel designed for AMD Athlon XP processors could be called "swiftweasel-athlon-xp" or something similar. I'd make the alterations myself, but I'm not sure how to without borking the deb files :)


    • SticKK

      SticKK - 2007-10-28

      I thank you for the offer to host the files in an apt repository. At present I am on a very fixed income, paying for hosting is out of the question. I will have to think on how that would be done, it doesn't sound that hard. But If I start it, Im going to want to continue to use it. It will require a lot of changes to the build environment and script on my server. Perhaps it could be done before the release.

    • Pac Shady

      Pac Shady - 2007-10-29

      I noticed in the other forum that you were looking for a host to put your files. If you want more direct control of the repository just sign up for an account at TuxFamily ( and move your project to there. They offer free services, including web hosting, download repositories, SSH access, FTP, etc. for all FOSS projects. That way, you don't have to worry about the cost of hosting, and it's much more versatile than SourceForge seems to be for hosting. Might be an idea worth checking out!


    • wyth

      wyth - 2007-11-04

      Can I second this?

      • lingenfr

        lingenfr - 2007-11-04


    • SticKK

      SticKK - 2007-11-05

      I am looking into tux family.


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