
Lots of extensions not working :(

  • gxpark

    gxpark - 2007-10-26


    Many of the extensions I use seem to be incompatible with Swiftweasel (Firebug, DownThemAll! FEBE, Greasemonkey, etc.), and I was wondering if that's because I'm running 64bits Kubuntu?

    Is there any way to bypass that compatibility check and force to load the extensions to see what happens?


    - Ivan V.

    • SticKK

      SticKK - 2007-10-27

      What version of Swiftweasel are you running? Please supply the exact file name you installed.

    • gxpark

      gxpark - 2007-10-27

      Sorry, forgot about that. I used Automatix to install it:

      Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv: Gecko/20071021 Firefox/

    • SticKK

      SticKK - 2007-10-28

      While I am happy that automatix has decided to include Swiftweasel, I am not happy with the way it is installed. I have tried to get information on why Automatix installs swiftweasel from tar files and places it in /opt. but so far I have been ignored. 
      I tried to install 2 of the extensions, download them all and FEBE (FEBE may become a default extension). Both worked, but I did have to point FEBE to ~/.mozilla/swiftweasel/ to look for the extension folder. This makes me wonder if swiftweasel is at error , or how it is installed with automatix. Please feel free to download a deb file of swiftweasel and install it.

    • gxpark

      gxpark - 2007-11-02

      Will do, thanks for your help :)

      Btw, any chance of getting Swiftweasel into a repository for Debian/Ubuntu?

    • gxpark

      gxpark - 2007-11-07

      Ok, I installed swiftweasel-, but my extensios are still disabled :(

    • gxpark

      gxpark - 2007-11-07

      Nice, they work now after reinstalling them (no need to uninstall first). The only one that doesn't work is Google Gears, but that's apparently because of the architecture.

    • SticKK

      SticKK - 2007-11-08

      Cool, thanks fro the update.


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