
#44 Plugin Manager


This plugin allows to search for other plugins and helps you keep your plugins updated.

Discover more here:

1 Attachments


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  • Daniele

    Daniele - 2022-03-21

    Version 1.1

    • Added i18n support for about tab
    • Fixed opening hyperlinks
    • Fixed plugin recognition in case of unknown versions
    • Added german translation
  • Daniele

    Daniele - 2022-04-01

    Version 1.2

    • Implemented warning when installing beta versions
    • Implemented the capability to install old versions
    • Implemented HTML support for plugins descriptions and changelogs
    • Implemented localized language names in plugins descriptions
    • Added an icon to the menu entry
    • Fixed a bug occurring when a modal message is displayed at startup
    • Fixed codepage in "about" tab
    • Fixed properties fallback to default language
    • The Plugin manager can be opened even if the updates download fails
    • Added Norwegian translation
  • Olivier

    Olivier - 2022-04-18

    I'm running SH3D version 6.6.1 Mac App Store - Language French
    The plugin (v1.2) doesn't seem to work : transient window Updating list ... and nothing else !

    • Daniele

      Daniele - 2022-04-19

      1) did previous versions work?
      2) can you grab the console output and post it here?

  • Daniele

    Daniele - 2022-04-19

    Last edit: Daniele 2022-04-19
    • Olivier

      Olivier - 2022-04-19

      Hi Daniele,
      This is the first time I try to use your Plugin, so don’t know for any previous version
      Don’t know how to grab the console output on MacOS (I’ve used Apple console tool but no relevant error appeared), if you explain how to do it, I’ll try
      I did a window capture (see att) after resetting language to English , I have this splash window for less than 1 sec and then nothing else happen
      Thanks for your help


      Last edit: Emmanuel Puybaret 2022-04-20
      • Olivier

        Olivier - 2022-04-20

        Hi Daniele,
        Sorry, I read too fast and didn’t see at first glance version 1.0 attached
        Yes I,ve tried version 1.0 and 1.2 of your plugin, both have same behavior as described


        Last edit: Emmanuel Puybaret 2022-04-20
      • Emmanuel Puybaret

        You can get the console output by running the application from a Terminal window with a command similar to:
        /Applications/Sweet\ Home\

        • Olivier

          Olivier - 2022-04-20

          Thanks Emmanuel & Daniele
          In attachement the console trace : I just launched SH3D then I’ve tried to call the plugin manager under Tools Menu and I quit SH3D
          Hope it will help
          Keep in touch, if you need more to debug
          Best Regards


          Last edit: Emmanuel Puybaret 2022-04-20
  • Daniele

    Daniele - 2022-04-20

    Hi Olivier, please try the attached version and let me know if it works.

    • Olivier

      Olivier - 2022-04-20

      Hi Daniele,
      Same behaviour as 1.0 & 1.2 , please find attached the console trace of 1.3 [ I did same scenario :1) Launch SH3D, 2) Call pluginManager, 3) Quit ]


      Last edit: Emmanuel Puybaret 2022-04-20
      • Olivier

        Olivier - 2022-04-20

        With att, sorry


        Last edit: Emmanuel Puybaret 2022-04-20
      • Daniele

        Daniele - 2022-04-20

        The attachment is missing... anyway, have you deleted the older versions from the plugins folder? (Having multiple versions leads to unexpected behaviour)

        • Emmanuel Puybaret

          The attachment is available on web site.
          As long as you restart Sweet Home 3D after installing a plug-in, the one with a more recent version is loaded rather than other plug-ins with the same name.

  • Olivier

    Olivier - 2022-04-20

    Yes I did , and by the way I've also tried without any plugin except your version 1.3 , The console trace is here

    • Daniele

      Daniele - 2022-04-21

      Hi Olivier, I've attached a new version (it is still named 1.3), can you give it a try?


      Last edit: Daniele 2022-04-21
  • Olivier

    Olivier - 2022-04-21

    Good news, it works ! and for sure it will be handy, Thanks.
    May I suggest a little improvement : PluginManager is accessible under 'Tools' menu and feels a little alone as all my other tools are accessible under the 'Outils' menu (I.e Tools in French), so if it can appear under 'Outils' when Language is set to French it will be more than perfect !
    Thanks again

  • Daniele

    Daniele - 2022-04-21

    Version 1.3

    • fixed compatibility with Mac App Store version
    • changed French main menu entry from "Tools" to "Outils"
    • added Spanish translation
    • fixed filenames with spaces

    Thanks to Olivier for bug report & testing, and to Emmanuel for technical info.

  • Olivier

    Olivier - 2022-04-22

    Hi Daniele
    Some feedback and food for thought after a play with your nice plugin
    -- Discrepancies between Installed and Search views due to native language
    If the plugin shows up its name in native language (most of eTeks does) then in installed view you see as in following example :
    Name : Copie comme un nouveau meuble, Current : 1.3, Last : 1.3
    Whilst the same one in Research view is displayed :
    Name : Copy as new furniture , Current : , Last : 1.3
    The side effect (apart the naming) is that the current version is not shown in the Search view and so it is difficult to distinguish between not installed or due to this native naming problem (this leads to numerous back and forth between the 2 views for checking)
    Another side effect is that the button Update (even shaded) won’t display in the Installed View for these plugins (with different names between the 2 views)
    -- Another improvement will be to show the # plugin number to help to trace against plugin deposit url (Note : Thinking this number as a plugin ID could help to prevent previous naming problems, and also, on another hand, the following :
    -- I noticed that some plugins don’t appear in Search view as
    /#27 Multiple paste & Distribute elevation (v2.3)
    /#18 Photo-video rendering (v1.7)

    -- Cherry on the cake
    As some plugins are superseded by new ones as :
    /#12 Change Texture by /#21 General Change Texture Plugin (mchnz)
    or simply doesn’t suit one's expected needs …
    it will be nice to have the possibility to hide some of them in the Search View in a way that they will stay hidden provided a new version is not released (or a global reset hide done with a button)

    • Daniele

      Daniele - 2022-04-22

      Hi Olivier,
      I have attached a new version (1.4) which solves the language problem and related issues.

      About the plugin number, SourceForge isn't the only repository (i.e. official plugins from eTeks are not hosted by SF), so not all plugins have a plugin number. Moreover, only the first post attachment has the ticked ID in its URL, all subsequent posts attachment haven't.

      The plugins that aren't shown are ones for which the author hasn't published the plugin file alone, but has packaged it within a zip, so it cannot be installed automatically. This is a hot teme which I will manage in the future.

      About hiding some plugins, since the list is quite short I think this is not a real problem for the moment. If the list will grow in the future I will manage a proper way to handle them.

  • Olivier

    Olivier - 2022-04-23

    Hi Daniele,
    Everyting seems to work perfectly except a very small detail : when there is a new version of a plugin , you are asked if you want to open plugin manager , if you answer Yes : plugin manager is effectively opened, however the asking window is not closed.

  • Olivier

    Olivier - 2022-04-25

    Hi Daniele,
    Notice that for ChangeColorPlugin you haven't taken the last one that is V1.2 ( and V1.1 is not working anymore ...

  • Olivier

    Olivier - 2022-04-25

    and what fuzzed me is that despite I have the 1.2 installed the interface is showing as current version 1.1 , so if I de-install and re-install , I don't come back on my legs. Cheers

  • Daniele

    Daniele - 2022-04-26

    Hi Olivier,
    I cannot reproduce the "asking window" problem.
    About ChangeColorPlugin, the problem is although the plugin file is named "1.2", the version internally set is 1.1, so the two versions are indistinguishable. I have fixed the plugin file and uploaded it to the plugin's page, now it can be downloaded from the Plugin manager too.
    The version 1.5 of the Plugin manager also fixes the wrong displayed version for unknown plugins, and adds the capability to sort the table.


    Last edit: Daniele 2022-04-26
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