
#952 Implement Strafe


When walking in 3D, you should be able to strafe with A or D and not rotate.


  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    What is "strafe"?
    As explained in the help about the 3D view The W, S, A and D keys produce the same effect in the 3D view as up, down, left and right arrow keys.

  • Elias Hinrichsen

    Strafe means: you press a or d and instead of turning left or right, the character moves/steps left or right while keeping the orientation. You can make it an optional feature.

  • Zearin

    Zearin - 2020-04-18

    I wish for this feature every time I use the Virtual Visitor. It would be super appreciated! :)

  • Emmanuel Puybaret

    You can move sideways with alt + left arrow and alt + right arrow.
    It's indicated in the help and in the page about shortcuts.

  • klovos

    klovos - 2023-01-06

    I think this feature is still relevant.
    The goal here would be to reproduce what the gaming industry does.
    This means holding the mouse for free look + rotation and WASD to move visitor foward/back/strafe left/strafe right.

    Holding Alt while moving mouse + arrows is next to impossible.
    Most of users nowadays have the muscle memory of gaming, so it would mean a smaller learning curve for everybody.

    It could be an option in the settings to toggle the "gaming" mode for 3D view!


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