
#2 Support for trac system


Trac ( is a good project
managenment tool that integrates very nice with
subversion. But as trac is more than a repository
viewer, is has its own setup procedure in order to you
get trac working for your repository (details in\). Would be
nice if SVNManager add support to run trac-admin when
creating a repository. Moreover, default trac-admin
initenv command creates defaults accesses rights with
many holes (by default, anonymous users have many
acess) and there is no admin initially configured to
the project. SVNManager could fix it, by removing the
anonymous accesses rights and add the repository
creater as the trac project admin just after run
trac-admin initenv.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2007-09-26

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I have lately did this (and some other) changes to my local svnmanager. Here are the details of my modifications:

    - creation and deletion of a trac-environment via the edit-page of the repository
    - automatic setting the repositories owner as TRAC_ADMIN (changing owner results in replacing old owner by new owner as TRAC_ADMIN)
    - deletion of repository also deletes the trac_environment and database
    - isolation of trac-specific settings in a dedicated tracconfig.ini
    - removing of repositories via typing the name of the repository into a textbox
    - EditSelectPage displays the SVN-URL
    - moved the regex for checking for legal repository-names to an isolated php-function
    - transfered the fix for assuming https in invitation-emails from the remind-module to the invite-module

    All these patches works on a Windows-server and assumes PostgreSQL for Trac-backend.
    If you are interested, I could send you a diff-file for the 1.02-release. Feel free to contact me by sending a message to my SourceForge-account).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2007-09-26

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Oh, I forgot something: you can change the default-permissions by editing the file $PYTHONPATH$\Lib\site-packages\trac\


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