
Working with ViewVC!

  • Per Arnold Blaasmo

    I have made an installation where we use subversion and browsing using WebSVN and ViewVC. We use both browser tools since preferense is different :-)

    We started to uses SVNManage becuase we needed to add acces control to the system.

    To be able to make ViewVC work with I had to add som "functionality" to SVNManager.

    ViewVC would not display the parent folder unless ther was some access rule to the parentfolder. I added '[:/] * = r' on the top of the access file to get it to work.

    SVNManager requirres ther to be a named repository to be able to set access rules. So therefore I added to the metod for generating the access file to alway add this access rule at the beginning of the access file.

    WebSVN did not have this restriction. I show the parent folder without this access rule!

    Wheter it is ViewVC, WebSVN or SVNManager that interprets/implement this correctly I dont know.

    But maybe SVNManager should have the possiblity to set acces rules at the parent folder level?

    • Marijn Verkerk

      Marijn Verkerk - 2006-10-29

      Hi Arnold,

      I'm not sure, but doesn't adding '[:/] * = r' on the top of the access file makes the whole repository readable for anyone?

      Are you sure this is the right configuration?

      If you'd please, you could edit the library/class.accessfile.php. If you change for instance:

          public function createFromDatabase()
              $accessfile = "";

          public function createFromDatabase()
                      $accessfile = "[:/] * = r\n";

      That will do,

    • Per Arnold Blaasmo

      Thanks for your reply!

      Adding '[:/] *=r' alone makes the whole tree readabel, but when adding other restrictions on each repository takes care of that.
      I used this 'trick' to make it possible to read the parent folder.

      It seems to wor ok.

      -Per A.-


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