
#166 Image Export options suggested


Currently you can export the visible length of the spectrogram pane, or the spectrogram pane for the entire length of the audio. I would like to see a vertical extension of this, where you could export the entire spectrogram including parts that are off-screen both horizontally and vertically.

Additionally, I would also like to see a 1-to-1 spectrogram export mode where instead of using the horizontal and vertical scaling of the spectrogram pane, it would make the image width equal to the number of FFTs used to calculate the spectrogram for the WAV file (if the WAV file is 10000 FFTs long for example, the image will be 10000 pixels wide), and the image height would be equal to the bin-count for an FFT (if it is a 1024bin FFT, then the image height would be 1024), and also this 1-to-1 scaling mode should ignore the FFT overlap setting, and always be calculated with no FFT overlap. The pixel brightness should be calculated from a linearly scaled FFT amplitude (not decibels), And the pixel brightness should be autoscaled, such that the strongest point in all the FFTs for the spectrogram should be mapped to pure white (255 pixel value) and the weakest point in all the FFTs for the spectrogram should be mapped to pure black (0 pixel value).


  • Samuel Miller

    Samuel Miller - 2015-10-21

    I would also like to have the option of exporting the scale of a layer (e.g., hz markings) on the far left side as part of the image.

  • mswcpt

    mswcpt - 2016-09-08

    Spent some time trying to get the application to export the full frame with the Peak Frequency Spectrogram Y Axis visible with the added Ruler. As soon as you add the ruler and try to export the image, the Y Axis disappears. The only way it seems around this is to take a screengrab, which defeats the purpose of image export.


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