
Tree [r138] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 v0-2011 2013-12-04 alessio-gaspar [r135] Adding v0 2011 summer prototype
 v1-2012 2013-12-04 alessio-gaspar [r136] Added v1 2012 spring javascript only version
 v2-2012 2013-12-04 alessio-gaspar [r133] moving v2-2012 in a folder of its own
 readme.txt 2014-01-14 alessio-gaspar [r138] Adding reference to PRO-SDLS provided by Naomi ...

Read Me

The SUSHI web app is meant to provide a way to manage the administration of 
psychometric instruments to university students. 

The PRO-SDLS has been included as part of the development of SUSHI with 
specific permission from the authors for the purposes of National Science 
Foundation and other grant development. Reproduction of the instrument 
should not occur without express permission from the authors. 
Please note the citation below where validation of this instrument can be found.

Stockdale, S. L., & Brockett, R. G. (2010). 
Development of the PRO-SDLS: A mesaure of self-direction in learning based 
on the personal responsibility orientation model. Adult Education Quarterly, 
20(10), 1-20. doi:10.1177/0741713610380447

	Python based prototype to evaluate suitability of python frameworks
	Developers - Paul Aubertin, Tuan-Nghia Duong, Leila Ennaime, Alexis Metzger
	As part of their Summer internship at USF Polytechnic
	Mockup prototype featuring only javascript side to illustrate features for grant proposal
	Developer - Alessio Gaspar

	Based on browser-side only 2012-spring-prototype. 
	Extends it to provide server-side authentication and data store. 
	Developer - Joshua Maun as part of his IT Senior Project. 

	Based on the improved / fixed version from 2012-fall-prototype. 
	Moving to PHP mostly to get ready to gather data
	Developer - Alessio Gaspar