
Memory efficiency of CSV Reader

Ankit G
  • Ankit G

    Ankit G - 2013-11-29

    Hi Guys,
    During my search of a good library for reading CSV using java, I found Super CSV. It meets all the criterion that I was looking for in it. But I have a question....

    I have learnt that Super CSV reads the file line by line. So, what happens really under the hood?? Does it actually read a line at a time from the file and store it in some buffer area. Can you give me in-depth info on this because my file size could be in Gigabytes and I don't want to have Out-of-Memory issues & I'm planning to include multi-threading for processing in parallel.

  • Kasper B. Graversen

    No it does not read everything into RAM. A simple test reveals that.

    I'd advice you to generate files in the sizes you expect and profile if the project meets you demands.