
particle cloud

  • alpguneysel2

    alpguneysel2 - 2006-12-26


    I followed the tutorial from

    Is there a way to change the model, i mean, i don't want a sphere particle cloud, instead i want to be able to make a 3d model particle cloud.

    Any recommendations welcome.


    • Christopher Kulla

      You sure can, although not quite by the same method. Sunflow now supports instancing so if you get one 3d model loaded, you can instance as many copies of it as you want with very little overhead. Each instance also has its own unique shader assignments so you can use different materials if you want (or just the same).

      Look through the benchmark examples in the org.sunflow package for an idea of how to set one instance up. After that it should be pretty easy to load more.

      I'll be posting better examples of instancing soon.


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