
AO problem

  • romgen

    romgen - 2007-01-23


    First of all: nice work in the new release!

    But it seems that i have a problem with sunflow:

    I use the blender exporter but also tried to manually edit the .sc files.

    I have a simple scene with a plane as ground using this shader:
    shader {
        name "Material.006.shader"
        type diffuse
        diff { "sRGB nonlinear" 1.0 1.0 1.0 }

    Then I have an object a bit above the plane using some texture as shader:
    shader {
        name "Material.003.shader"
        type diffuse
        texture "//..\054bois.jpg"

    I also use some sunlight:
    light {
        type sunsky
        up 0 0 1
        east 0 1 0
        sundir 0.001622 -0.015405 0.999880
        turbidity 6
        samples 16

    After that I found weird blue spots on the ground and i figured it must be the new sunlight/sky feature.
    Now i tried to change this behaviour and used the "AO override" feature in the exporter which resulted in that code:
    shader {
       name amboccshader
       type amb-occ2
        bright { "sRGB nonlinear" 1.0 1.0 1.0 }
        dark { "sRGB nonlinear" 0.0 0.0 0.0 }
        samples 32
        dist 100.0
    } override amboccshader true

    After that, the blue spots where gone BUT all the scene was only black/white! And the textures from the object above the scene disappeared completely!

    I can only imagine that this is a bug.

    Any other hints to resolve that if that is not a bug?

    • Christopher Kulla

      The ambient occlusion override is replacing all the shaders in the scene with the simple black/white occlusion shader. This is why your texture dissapeared. The shader that references them simply isn't being used anymore.

      As for the blue spots - this is more misterious. I would start by suggesting that you increase the number of samples in your sunsky light. 16 is fairly low, try 32 or 64. If that doesn't help, could you zip up your scene and textures and mail them to me?



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