
Stupid-FTPd / News: Recent posts

1.4beta is out

I have implemented important security fixes. The project has been neglected some time, but I have found some time now to correct many things.

Posted by Cinek 2003-01-22

Security fixes in CVS, release coming soon

There have been made some security fixes to stupid-ftpd. They are only available to CVS users by now. I need to get a confirmation about the bug fixes first and try out the compilation process on a Linux machine.

Posted by Cinek 2003-01-19

What's to do next?

Many people want to see this server to be daemon-capable, so I need to secure few things.

I will drop the support for down/up-speed reporting and implement real fork()'s and chroot()'s for each login, which will lock the user in his own (second-level) directory. This has consequences for current stupid-ftpd architecture, because some features might disappear.
Inetd-support can be implemented, but I need to think what is the best way to do that for stupid-ftpd.... read more

Posted by Cinek 2002-05-26


It's not meant to be a stable and secure server.
Not in THIS state! I wrote it for people who don't have root access on their machines and have to run the server on ports >1024 and of course without the access on /etc/passwd. That's all.

Posted by Cinek 2002-05-20

Further security fixes

Thanks for all the people who invested all the work to find bugs. Sometimes the descriptions are very inacurate and I have to invest some hours to find what is meant by the author.
This time only few security issues have been removed. There is no new feaures.

Posted by Cinek 2002-05-20

Security fix

A very stupid accident allowed a local expoit for anyone who has access to Your computer. There are probably more bugs. Be careful! The server is not been tested for regular use!

Posted by Cinek 2002-01-14

How about threads?

Yes, I am planning to implement a threaded server. I know many people would prefer things to be forked here, but the server is supposed to have a global view over all users and modify their states dynamically. Anyway, I am waiting for your comments on this.

Posted by Cinek 2001-05-29

Any comments are welcome!

200 people downloaded stupid-ftpd by now. I hope to receive some comments from you. You are all invited. I am always ready to improve this server, but I need help from you. Your comments are very important!

Posted by Cinek 2001-03-30

BAN & BANLIST commands

This is a nice feature, I think. And has been easy to implement, because of the regular expression procedures, which have been written earlier. I think I will test the server, if it really runs in a chrooted environment. It should work, but who knows without testing it?

Posted by Cinek 2001-03-26

stupid-ftpd beta release

Today I've had a good day, so I decided to release one of my further favourite projects: stupid-ftpd. Have fun testing it and send me some comments.

Posted by Cinek 2001-03-23