
Strike Into Action

Up until now, all my Action classes were returning null and you were seeing nothing but blank pages regarding this project. In short, Studs almost didn't make it because I began to fall in love with Struts and Java Servlets.

However, a project came up that required me to use PHP and I was back on the bandwagon. In little under one week I coded a working version of Studs as well as a Taglib parser (which I refer to as Phase).

What does this mean? It means you should be seeing some files here soon! I just adjusted all the licenses on the files and the first step will be to import into CVS. After I do that I will slap together a homepage for the project and put up a detailed description and some examples. It might not all happen this week, but at the very least I should be able to get some files up here!

Posted by Anonymous 2003-07-11

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