
Expandable menu doesnot work in Opera 7.1

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-10-01

    The expandable menu in AppFuse does not work in Opera 7.1. The original one in the StrutsMenu works fine with Opera 7.1

    BTW, I feel that the current users status is misleading.  It means like current users in the system (logged in).   But it really means current active sessions, which is not really helpful to the end users.  That should be easy tweaked to what you want
    -- Hai

    • Matt Raible

      Matt Raible - 2003-10-01

      Thanks for the notification about Opera.

      I agree with the current user status - however, I'm using a session listener - and a session is not destroyed until a user logs out - most users don't logout.  The only way I can't think of (to solve this) is to set the session-timeout to 1 minute and hope most users use the "remember me" feature - then they won't notice when they've been logged out (b/c their session expires).

      Do you have a better solution?



    • Matt Raible

      Matt Raible - 2003-11-29

      I just downloaded Opera 7.23 and tried the latest code I have (1.0) and it seems to work fine.


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