
Appfuse 1.1 problem under Tomcat 5.0.16

  • Carlos Franco

    Carlos Franco - 2003-12-18

    Hi all.

    I have downloaded and compiled appfuse 1.1 (src) and I have it working under Tomcat 5.0.16. But in the login page, if I try with one invalid user I don't see any error page, only one blank page. Any idea? Perhaps something bad configured?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Matt Raible

      Matt Raible - 2003-12-18

      Can you login with a valid user?  I need to know if it's a database setup issue or a form-based authentication issue.  Any stack traces or anything?  Here's some tips for Tomcat 5.0.16:

      1. Move appfuse.xml to Tomcat 5.0.16\conf\Catalina\localhost

      2. Unzip files found in tomcat-5-jars.jar to Tomcat 5.0.16\common\lib



    • Carlos Franco

      Carlos Franco - 2003-12-18

      Hi again.

      appfuse 1.1 works (but not fine, see the rest of my post), so I can login with a valid user and I have appfuse.xml and jar's in correct place. The problem is with an invalid user. The same application, under Tomcat 4.1.24 works fine but in Tomcat 5 I only see one blank page (with no errors in console or logs).

      But I have others problems with appfuse 1.1 (in both Tomcat 4 and Tomcat 5) like:

      - If I add one user (new user) I am having problems with more than one role (only role Tomcat is added to database). So If I select Tomcat and Admin, only Tomcat is inserted.
      - I have problems to delete a user (it says in logs that unknow user '').
      - I can't see reports in excel o csv mode.

      any ideas?? I have tried now the CVS version and problems are the same.

      Thanks a lot.

      • Matt Raible

        Matt Raible - 2003-12-18

        These sounds like bugs to me (if you've tried the CVS version).  I *might* have time to look into these tonight, but don't count on it.  I'm leaving on vacation this weekend, so if you don't hear from me by tomorrow - it probably won't be fixed for a couple of weeks.

    • Matt Raible

      Matt Raible - 2003-12-18

      It could be your environment too - what JDK are you using?  What OS?  What version of of MySQL?

      AppFuse 1.1 has been tested in Windows XP, OS X and Fedora Core 1, all with JDK 1.4 and J2EE 1.4. 

      You might try replicating your issues in test/web/**/service/ and see if it's re-produceable.


    • Carlos Franco

      Carlos Franco - 2003-12-18

      Hi Matt.

      I'm using JDK 1.4.2, J2EE 1.3.1, Windows 2000, MySQL 4.0.14.
      I don't think that the problem is with my environment because most of the things work. And Test cases work well, for example, I can run test-ejb and delete one User but with the application I can't delete a user.

      Thanks a lot if you can help me and good vacances and a happy new year.


    • Matt Raible

      Matt Raible - 2003-12-20

      I was able to fix the first bug, I was basically overriding any roles set for new users with the default role.  I simply removed the following code block:

              // if no id, then this is a new user, so set the default role
              if (StringUtils.isEmpty(theForm.getId())) {
                  log.debug("detected new user, setting default role: " +

                  String[] role = { Constants.USER_ROLE };

              if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                  log.debug("saving user: " + theForm);

      As for your second two (deleting and csv/excel), I was unable to reproduce those.  Tomcat 4.0.29, JDK 1.4.2, Windows XP.

    • Carlos Franco

      Carlos Franco - 2003-12-22

      Hi again.

      I'm going to try Appfuse 1.2 under Tomcat 5.0.16, Windows 2000, jdk 1.4.2. I will tell you how it works.

      Thanks for new version.


    • Carlos Franco

      Carlos Franco - 2003-12-22

      I'm here again.

      After trying appfuse 1.2 under Tomcat 5.0.16 (Windows 2000 and jdk 1.4.2) there are some bugs that have been corrected (like problem during login with no valid user, roles when new user is created) but still have the error when I try to get the user list in csv mode or excel mode. There is no problem in XML mode. Any idea?

      Thanks a lot again.


    • Matt Raible

      Matt Raible - 2003-12-28

      Exporting the user list in Excel/CSV mode does indeed fail with Internet Explorer on Tomcat 5.0.16 (and on Tomcat 4.0.29).  It works fine using MozillaFirebird. 

      I did find that if you comment out the filter-mapping for the CompressionFilter, it will work in IE.

      If I knew why it was failing in IE, I could probably fix it, but alas - I do not.


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