
help to start appfuse 0.8

  • ctang

    ctang - 2003-06-30

    Hi all,

    I downloaded appfuse0.8 bin and src zip files. 

    It seems that org.appfuse.webapp.form.UserForm class is not included.

    When the war file is dropped to tomcat4.1.24, it won't unjar it.  I manually unjared it and deployed it, the tomcat starts without any error message, but it could not display any page even the menu.htm page.  If the appfuse.tld is removed, the app start all right (menu.html can be displayed), it bombed with some pages because appfuse.tld is expected.

    What could be wrong?

    I am using struts-rc2 and tomcat4.1.24 under window 2000 professional.  All the ant prepared tasks have been successfully executed.  The appfuse db is created in mysql database.



    • Matt Raible

      Matt Raible - 2003-06-30

      The binary download has a README file that explains everything, as does the source distribution.

      The source distribution doesn't contain UserForm because it's generated from using XDoclet.

      You don't need to unjar the appfuse.war file - it works just like it is.  I just tried following all the steps in the binaries README.txt file, and it worked for me:

      To install the binary version of appfuse (with MySQL, perform the following

      1.  Create the "appfuse" database using mysql.
          a.  Login as root to mysql.
          b.  execute "source appfuse.sql" from the same directory as
          c.  Verify you can login by logging out of mysql and logging in
              with "mysql -u test -p appfuse" - password is "test".

      2.  Install the .war and XML configuration on Tomcat.
          a.  cp appfuse.xml $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/.
          b.  cp appfuse.war $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/.

      3.  Make sure you have an appropriate MySQL JDBC driver in $CATALINA_HOME/
          common/lib.  For example: mysql-connector-java-2.0.14-bin.jar.
      4.  If you want to deploy this as an expanded application, rather than a .war
          you will need to change appfuse.xml:
              docBase="appfuse.war" -> docBase="appfuse"
      5.  That's it!  Login at http://localhost:8080/appfuse

    • ctang

      ctang - 2003-06-30

      Thanks for your reply.

      I followed the instruction.  Here is the table list created by sql script:

      mysql> show tables;
      | Tables_in_appfuse |
      | app_user          |
      | child             |
      | education         |
      | parent            |
      | resume            |
      | role              |
      | skill             |
      | skill_group       |
      | user_role         |

      I tested that test user can login to appfuse database.

      Since I modified tomcat server.xml extensively, so I unjared and use the default tomcat configuration.  I started the tomcat, url http://localhost:8080 worked fine.  Then appfuse.xml and appfuse.war were copied into webapps, restarting tomcat generated sql error.  That means that tomcat did try to deploy appfuse.  Then I copied mysql-connector-java-3.0.6-stable-bin.jar into common/lib, restarting tomcat had no error.  However url http://localhost:8080/appfuse returned HTTP Status 404 - /appfuse.  There was no error in tomcat console.  URL http://localhost:8080 worked fine.

      Could you suggest what is the cause? 

      BTW, I am using jdk.1.4.1. 



      • Matt Raible

        Matt Raible - 2003-06-30

        The problem is most likely the LE edition.  It doesn't have the mail JARs required for SMTP logging with log4j.  To fix this, either put mail.jar and activation.jar in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib or do the following:

        stop Tomcat
        cd $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
        mkdir appfuse
        mv appfuse.war appfuse/.
        cd appfuse
        jar xvf appfuse.war
        edit WEB-INF/classes/ and remove ", mail" from the 2nd line
        edit $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/appfuse.xml and change docRoot from "appfuse.war" to "appfuse"



    • ctang

      ctang - 2003-06-30

      It appears that is the problem.  When is used, things start to work even running with jdk1.4.1.  I compared common/lib dirs, LE version have few jars than the standard one.  Could you add this in the readme to save some grief for others?



      • Matt Raible

        Matt Raible - 2003-06-30

        I'll just remove the SMTPAppender from the default setup for logging and put a note for users how to add it in. 



    • Matt Raible

      Matt Raible - 2003-06-30

      BTW - these errors are probably in $CATALINA_HOME/logs/appfuse_* or localhost_log*


    • navroz medhora

      navroz medhora - 2003-08-23

      im trying to get appfuse working on tomcat 4.1.24.
      i downloaded the appfuse binary version 0.9.

      i first got the mysql database populated by using the appfuse.sql file
      i then copied appfuse.xml and appfuse.war to my tomcat home/webapps directory.
      i then put the requisite mysql connector jar file in the tomcat/common/lib
      i was able to see the page http://localhost:8080/appfuse/login.jsp
      however when i enter the password combination tomcat/tomcat i get an error message
      the first time the error message at http://localhost:8080/appfuse/ was
      The process did not complete. Details should follow.
      net.sf.hibernate.JDBCException: Cannot open connection: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null' Cannot open connection: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null' "

      i restarted tomcat and downloaded the appfuse source distribution.
      i then copied build.xml, app-settings.xml, db-export.xml, project.xml and
      properties.xml to tomcat home/webapps/appfuse dir
      and copied and to
      tomcat home/webapps/appfuse/WEB-INF/classes dir
      as and

      i tried to use ant as suggested but ALL the tests failed -- do i need to copy additional files/directories from the source download for it to work?

      this time when i entered the user/password combination i was given another error message
      at http://localhost:8080/appfuse/j_security_check?j_username=tomcat&j_password=tomcat
      the error message is "The requested resource (/appfuse/j_security_check) is not available."

      if anyone can guide me on what ive done wrong or prvide a step by step meand of
      setting up the application from the source i would really appreciate it

    • navroz medhora

      navroz medhora - 2003-08-24

      I retried appfuse again from scratch and it worked this time -- the binary version ie --- however the "file upload" part does not work yet ---
      i keep getting this error at http://localhost:8080/appfuse/upload/ :

      [ServletException in:/WEB-INF/pages/uploadForm.jsp] /WEB-INF/pages/uploadForm.jsp(27,4) Attribute name invalid according to the specified TLD'

      Any idea on what I need to correct for this to work


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