
Struts Flow Examples Errors out

  • Jorge L. Fiallega

    I am interested in the Struts Flow subproject. I downloaded the 0.2 version to try to run the wizard and the guess example, but they both fail. I also downloaded the 0.1 but I have the same problem.
    The error:

    Error 500: ERROR starting execution of Control Flow: "Continuation" is not defined.

    The error happens when inside the JavaScriptInterpreter.callFunction function it makes a call to, callFun, thrScope, callFunArgs, thrScope);

    I am sure I am doing something very stupid since this examples have been up for a few months, but I can not find anything on it. As I said I would like to look this project deeper but first thing I need is to make the example work.

    Thanks a lot

    • Don Brown

      Don Brown - 2005-03-22

      What web container are you using?  My guess is you are using BEA WebLogic.  If so, the problem is WebLogic has its own copy of Rhino and unfortunately, loads it rather than the one that comes with Struts Flow.  We solved this in an application that uses Struts Flow by modifying the classpath the server is started with explicitly putting the jar in the beginning.

      This problem is also one when using Cocoon, so you can search for solutions in the Cocoon mailing lists.  Let us know if you find any good solutions.


    • Jorge L. Fiallega

      The container I am using is Websphere 5.0.
      I tried to modify the classpath to load the modified rhino before any other packeage but it does not seem to make a difference. Then I took rhino out of the enviroment all together and I can not compile any more which tells me that there is no other rhino hanging out.
      It is unfortunate. At this point I am a little discourage since I have already wasted to much time trying to make the example run.
      Do you by any chance know where can I download the modified rhino source code?
      Thanks a lot for your response, your hint is probably a very good one, but I have not been able to make it work yet.

      • Don Brown

        Don Brown - 2005-03-22

        The Struts Flow project has now moved to as an official Struts subproject.  As part of the move, I rewrote Struts Flow to use Rhino 1.6 which adds native continuations rather than relying on the modified Rhino 1.5.  As for the source for the modified Rhino 1.5, see

        As for the fix, try modifying the script that starts up Websphere to add the rhino jar to the "-cp" java switch.  It is ugly, but it is what we had to do.  You might be able to have it work by simply modifying the classloader configuration to do child, parent.  Finally, google for Cocoon and Websphere 5.0 as I'm sure many others have had that problem.

        Good luck!


    • Jorge L. Fiallega

      Yesterday at midnight I just saw the updated website mentioning 0.3 Unreleased.
      I will wait then until the new code is available in CVS in order to use Rhino 1.6. (do you know when would it be available?)

      Jorge Luis

      • Don Brown

        Don Brown - 2005-03-23

        The Struts Flow 0.3 code is already available in the Struts repository, and is awaiting release.  The holdup is we need to figure out how the release process will go for Struts subprojects, but as for the code and probably the documentation, it is ready to go.

        However, even if you switched to 0.3, you would probably still have the same problem because the Rhino jar would be different than the container.  I could be wrong, though, so pull down the code and give it a try.

        • Jorge L. Fiallega

          This is the first time I look at non release code. When I browse CVS or downloaded it, I don't see the new example code for the new remote guess game, or the rhino 1.6 has not been added to the /lib directory. Is that correct or I am looking in the wrong place.


          Jorge Luis

          • Don Brown

            Don Brown - 2005-03-23

            Make sure you are looking at the Struts official repository and not the cvs repository.  The project is a collection of Struts related applications, of which Struts Flow used to be  a part of.  I need to update the website to indicate it has moved to be an official Struts subproject.



    • Jorge L. Fiallega

      Great, now I understand. I was thinking that something like that was happening since it was moved as an official Struts project, but I could not find out where it was.

      Thanks a lot.

      I will not bother anymore,..., for a while


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