Michael Crane - 2005-08-04

Struts Dialogs 1.22 is released. The change list:

1.22 - SelectAction now defines getInitKey() method, which returns default event
       prefix. No need to use "parameter" attribute of action mapping anymore.
     - samples are repackaged

1.21 - Better now then later: package structure is changed. Both Easy Wizard
       and Struts Dialogs now belong to net.jspcontrols.* domain.
     - Added some comments here and there.
     - WizardAction is described at Struts Dialogs home page:

1.2  - Added saveDialogErrors() to DialogAction, which stores error messages
       in the session in the same manner as saveErrors(HttpSession, ActionMessages)
       does starting from Struts 1.2.6
     - Added setNoCache() to DialogAction to mark response as non-cachable.
       This allows not to set <controller nocache="true"/> global property,
       and instead use per-dialog setting.
     - New! Added example of Struts/JSP web control. Compare with Tiles and portlets.
     - New! Added WizardAction to develop rubust web wizards. Using technology
       from Easy Wizard project.

1.1  - SelectAction and its subclasses now support image buttons
     - New! Added CRUDAction to support create, duplicate, edit, view
       and delete operations in one single action class.
     - Improved compatibility with older versions of Struts:
       now supporting Struts 1.2.2+

1.0  - first release