
#5 program segfaults at program start


The program has been segfaulting for years in Ubuntu. And compiling the latest svn code does as well.

(gdb) bt
#0 0x001ff516 in glViewport () from /usr/lib/mesa/
#1 0x080ae609 in SyntopiaCore::GLEngine::EngineWidget::updatePerspective() ()
#2 0x080af91f in SyntopiaCore::GLEngine::EngineWidget::EngineWidget(QMainWindow*, QWidget*) ()
#3 0x08064b2f in StructureSynth::GUI::MainWindow::init() ()
#4 0x0806a896 in StructureSynth::GUI::MainWindow::MainWindow() ()
#5 0x08058ac0 in main ()

More information can also be found in


  • Mikael Hvidtfeldt Christensen

    Hi, I'm mainly use Windows for development, but I always check Structure Synth on Ubuntu, and I have no problems. I suspect your gfx drivers is annoyed by something. What if you change the crashing line to something hardcoded like "glViewport(0,0,600,400)". Does it still crash?

  • Rolf

    Rolf - 2011-10-31

    Mikael, thank you for the quick follow-up. I should tell you, I'm not a programmer. "Change the crashing line" is not enough information for me. Can you provide a full patch instead of the instructions?

  • Rolf

    Rolf - 2011-10-31
    • summary: programs segfaults at program start --> program segfaults at program start
  • Mikael Hvidtfeldt Christensen

    Could you try setting line 418 in EngineWidget.cpp to "glViewport(0,0,600,400)" and check if it still crashes? And if this doesn't help, try putting in a 'return;' statement in line 410 to skip this function?

  • Rolf

    Rolf - 2011-11-06

    Thank you.

    First suggestion still segfaults the same way. Second suggestion "works" but is obviously not yet a solution.


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