
Street Fighter single and multiplayer / News: Recent posts

Screenshot uploaded

Now you can see some screenshot of the game running on my koi carp desktop (too lazy to crop images) :-D

Posted by Claudio 2010-12-17

Project Files

As you can see there are some files to download:
-data: contains required files like images, xmls, fonts, etc..
-testingDB: contains a DB partially filled by me while testing, read the readme files for more info.
-streetfighter_client: is the client of the game
-streetfighter_server:is the server of the game (you will need that to play)

If you want you can download all of the above files just by download the StreetFighter.rar file that is also smaller.... read more

Posted by Claudio 2010-12-17

Project Description

Hello, this project is a street fighter style game based on java, with a MORPG compenent given by experience and levels.
As you can read from the readme file it has 2 game modes, single and multiplayer, with completely separated stats (level, experience, etc..)
The single player is vs a computer with a pretty simple AI that will become stronger when your level increases, still nothing too complex.
The multiplayer mode is working only on localhost at the moment, you will see a list of the players that have choosen multiplayer mode and are waiting to challenge someone (or to be challenged).
The stats are fairly complete with wins, losses, draws, disconnections, %, number of games, combos, level, experience, etc..).
The game is server based, so you will need the server to login or register yourself. But the multiplayer mode itslef runs i P2P mode not through the server.
If you need more info or pieces of source code, read the readme file or mail me thorugh sourceforge.

Posted by Claudio 2010-12-17