STPA Verifier is an Eclipse plug-in to verify the STPA safety requirements with model checker tools such as SPIN and NuSMV. The STPA-generated safety requirements are automatically transformed into formal specification in LTL (linear Temporal Logic). The STPA Verifier plug-in fetches all LTL formulae from XSTPA and allows user to load the verification model of system (Promela or SMV Model). Furthermore, STPA verifier provides a configuration view of each model checker (SPIN and NuSMV) to enable user to configure the model checker with necessary parameters. It also allows users to extract the Promela model from C-Code of the software by using the ModeX tool. The tool shows the results of each LTL formula in the table with different values (syntax error, success, failed (counterexample)and incomplete).
STPA Verifier
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