
SVN Code bugs

  • mickstl

    mickstl - 2010-01-21

    WinXP SP3 Pro
    AMD CPU Athlon XP2400
    MS VS2008 SP1 Pro (default as installed with NO additional Platform SDK)
    No modifications to any .h files

    1. In ver 5.2.1 the Makefiles folder is located in
    build\lib\Makefiles and also the build\lib folder contains more mak files.
    In this current SVN, the Makefiles is move to top lever and the build\lib folder is missing
    so the build breaks. However, using the ver 5.2.1 build files (including config.bat) to
    build the current svn works.

    2. The file stlport\type_traits gives compile problems related to the variable "__value"
    Changing it to say "__stlpvalue" works fine!

    cl /nologo /W4 /EHsc /Zm800  /GL /MD /Zi /O2  /DWINVER=0x0501  /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /DNDEBUG  /I../../stlport  /c /Foobj\vc9\shared\dll_main.o /Fdobj\vc9\shared\stlport.5.2.pdb ../../src\dll_main.cpp
    J:\STLPort SVN\stlport\type_traits(62) : error C4980: '__value' : use of this keyword requires /clr:oldSyntax command line option
    J:\STLPort SVN\stlport\type_traits(62) : error C2059: syntax error : '__value'
            J:\STLPort SVN\stlport\type_traits(65) : see reference to class template instantiation 'stlp_std::tr1::detail::__instance<_Tp>' being compiled
    J:\STLPort SVN\stlport\type_traits(62) : error C2059: syntax error : '='
    J:\STLPort SVN\stlport\type_traits(62) : error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'
    J:\STLPort SVN\stlport\type_traits(87) : error C2059: syntax error : '__value'
            J:\STLPort SVN\stlport\type_traits(89) : see reference to class template instantiation 'stlp_std::tr1::detail::__uoc_aux<T>' being compiled
    J:\STLPort SVN\stlport\type_traits(87) : error C2059: syntax error : '='
    J:\STLPort SVN\stlport\type_traits(87) : error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'
    J:\STLPort SVN\stlport\type_traits(150) : error C2589: '__value' : illegal token on right side of '::'
            J:\STLPort SVN\stlport\type_traits(151) : see reference to class template instantiation 'stlp_std::tr1::detail::__is_union_or_class<_Tp>' being compiled
    J:\STLPort SVN\stlport\type_traits(150) : error C2059: syntax error : '::'
    J:\STLPort SVN\stlport\type_traits(150) : error C3630: error when processing the token '__value'
    J:\STLPort SVN\stlport\type_traits(150) : fatal error C1190: managed targeted code requires a '/clr' option

    3. File: src\dll_main.cpp
    Line 197: template class _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC _LimG<bool>;
    causes problems in DEBUG builds - strange! But if the above line is commented out compile works
    for all build types. Suspect that variable "_LimG" may be in conflict?

    Both the following configuration give same compile errors for the dll_main.cpp file:
    configure.bat  msvc9 -platform winxp -with-dynamic-rtl
    configure.bat  msvc9 -platform winxp -with-static-rtl

    listing below only shows the compile for -with-dynamic-rtl

    J:\STLPort SVN\build\lib>cl /nologo /W4 /EHsc /Zm800  /GL /MD /Zi /O2  /DWINVER=
    0x0501  /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /DNDEBUG  /I../../stlport  /c /Foobj\vc9\shared\dll_m
    ain.o /Fdobj\vc9\shared\stlport.5.2.pdb ../../src\dll_main.cpp

    J:\STLPort SVN\build\lib>cl /nologo /W4 /EHsc /Zm800  /MDd /Zi  /DWINVER=0x0501
    /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /D_DEBUG  /I../../stlport  /c /Foobj\vc9\shared-g\dll_main.o
    /Fdobj\vc9\shared-g\stlportd.5.2.pdb ../../src\dll_main.cpp

    J:\STLPort SVN\build\lib>cl /nologo /W4 /EHsc /Zm800  /MDd /Zi  /DWINVER=0x0501
    /GS /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /D_DEBUG /D_STLP_DEBUG  /I../../stlport  /c /Foobj\vc9\sh
    ared-stlg\dll_main.o /Fdobj\vc9\shared-stlg\stlportstld.5.2.pdb ../../src\dll_ma

    J:\STLPort SVN\build\lib>cl /nologo /W4 /EHsc /Zm800  /MD /Zi /O2  /DWINVER=0x05
    01  /D_STLP_USE_STATIC_LIB /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /DNDEBUG  /I../../stlport  /c /Foo
    bj\vc9\static\dll_main.o /Fdobj\vc9\static\stlport_statix.pdb ../../src\dll_main
    ../../src\dll_main.cpp(197) : error C2059: syntax error : '<'

    J:\STLPort SVN\build\lib>cl /nologo /W4 /EHsc /Zm800  /MDd /Zi  /DWINVER=0x0501
    /D_STLP_USE_STATIC_LIB /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /D_DEBUG  /I../../stlport  /c /Foobj\
    vc9\static-g\dll_main.o /Fdobj\vc9\static-g\stlportd_statix.pdb ../../src\dll_ma
    ../../src\dll_main.cpp(197) : error C2059: syntax error : '<'

    J:\STLPort SVN\build\lib>cl /nologo /W4 /EHsc /Zm800  /MDd /Zi  /DWINVER=0x0501
    lport  /c /Foobj\vc9\static-stlg\dll_main.o /Fdobj\vc9\static-stlg\stlportstld_s
    tatix.pdb ../../src\dll_main.cpp
    ../../src\dll_main.cpp(197) : error C2059: syntax error : '<'

  • mickstl

    mickstl - 2010-01-22


    i am already on:

    I used "SVN" in most of my projects - I call all trunk/branches that way.


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