
STLplus C++ library collection / News: Recent posts

STLplus 3.15 released

This is an update incorporating a number of changes and bug-fixes.

See for more details.

Posted by Andy Rushton 2018-06-13

Changing to Subversion for version control

As of today, 10 October 2017, the stlplus project will use Subversion (SVN) as its version control system. This is because SourceForge is discontinuing support for CVS.

A big thank-you to the cvs2svn project for making it really easy to convert the CVS repository into SVN repositories, preserving all of the version and log information.

The two packages - stlplus3 and makefiles - have separate repositories, they are not considered part of the same project. Each has a separate URL and a separate set of revisions.... read more

Posted by Andy Rushton 2017-10-10

STLplus 3.10 released

This is an update incorporating a number of changes and bug-fixes.

See for more details.

Posted by Andy Rushton 2014-01-16

STLplus 3.9 Released

This is an update incorporating a number of small changes and bug-fixes.

See for more details.

Posted by Andy Rushton 2013-05-07

STLplus 3.8 Released

This is an update incorporating a number of small changes and bug-fixes.

See for more details.

Posted by Andy Rushton 2012-02-14

STLplus 3.7 Released

This is an update incorporating a number of small changes and bug-fixes. I have also rearranged the IDE project files to be separate from the source code.

See for more details.

Posted by Andy Rushton 2011-02-15

STLplus 3.5 Released

This release incorporates a number of changes: additions, reworks and a bug fix. There's also a new way of working with STLplus: the monolithic build.

Added monolithic build option
Re-added simple_ptr
Reduced the number of disabled warnings for the Borland compiler
Added hash::erase(iterator)
Re-added hash::debug_report()
Fixed bug in smart_ptr
Rework of Internet Sockets

Posted by Andy Rushton 2009-10-05

STLplus 3.4 Released

STLplus is a collection of reusable C++ components for developers already familiar with the STL. It contains template containers to extend the STL, reusable subsystems, data persistence (serialisation) and portability components.

This release is a rework to support the Borland compilers. I have ported STLplus to both v5.5 (Free Command-Line Tools) and v5.8 (Turbo C++ 2006 Explorer). The same code is still compatible with all the other supported compilers (gcc v2.95 onwords, Visual Studio 6 onwards) and platforms (Linux, BSD, Solaris, Windows, MacOS).

Posted by Andy Rushton 2009-05-29

STLplus 3.3 Released

This release is to upgrade the status from Beta to Stable. There are no code changes from v3.2 and there have been no bug reports in the 6 months since v3.2 was released, confirming that the code is now stable.

Posted by Andy Rushton 2008-12-01

STLplus has passed 5000 downloads

Towards the end of March 2008 the STLplus library was downloaded for the 5000th time!

This is for the source code projects stlplus and stlplus3 only, excluding the makefiles project. It also excludes users who choose to get the code using CVS.

Posted by Andy Rushton 2008-06-23

Makefiles 1.4 Released

Added support for include-only projects.

Reworked documentation as an HTML manual.

This version is the minimum needed for STLplus 3.2.

Posted by Andy Rushton 2008-06-21

STLplus 3.2 (beta) Released

Updated from Alpha to Beta status.

If you are using my makefiles, you need to upgrade to at least v1.4 of the makefiles package.

This release includes the following bug-fixes and modifications:

- Added dynaload class to portability library
- Softened dependencies on the portability library
- Made the Containers Library an 'Include-only' Library
- Use ANSI-Specific Functions on Windows
- File Mode Function Removed... read more

Posted by Andy Rushton 2008-06-21

New versions of all packages released

STLplus3 version 3.1 - STLplus 2.8 - makefiles 1.3 - released. These are mainly bug-fix releases.

Posted by Andy Rushton 2008-03-01

STLplus3 version 3.0 (alpha) Released

Note: STLplus version 3 is not backwards-compatible with STLplus version 2.
You should only make the changeover if you are prepared to do some porting
work or if you are starting a new project.

Use at Your Own Risk: STLplus version 3.0 is classified as an alpha release.
Although it is based on STLplus, which was a stable release, there is enough
reworking for all sorts of errors to have crept in. Furthermore, I have not
yet ported any significant applications to version 3, so only small test
programs have been written so far.... read more

Posted by Andy Rushton 2007-11-22

STLplus 2.7 Released

This is a belated announcement - this version was released on 2 November 2007.

A minor update to incorporate the following changes: - Port to MinGW (needs makefiles v1.2) - Rework of ntree - Made dprintf a platform-independent interface to platform-specific safe versions of sprintf

Posted by Andy Rushton 2007-11-22

STLplus 2.6 released

Further fixes to compatibility problems and some tidying up:

- Fixed compatibility bugs so STLplus compiles with gcc v4.1
- Fixed compatibility bugs to support Visual Studio 6

And a few more minor changes.

Note: please use existing makefile package - this has not changed


Posted by Andy Rushton 2006-12-13

STLplus 2.5 released

Fixes to compatibility problems and some tidying up:

- Fixed compatibility bug so STLplus compiles with gcc v4
- fixed bug in file_system definition of read_mode
- updated documentation for iterators to match the code
- rationalised the use of typename to support Visual Studio 6, 7 and 8
- Rationalised macros for Microsoft Windows build
- Removed debug trace code now that the code is considered pretty stable... read more

Posted by Andy Rushton 2006-05-16

STLplus 2.4 released

Minor update to include two bug fixes. This release also re-includes the class foursome which used to be called quadruple but was removed due to a name clash. See the Change Notes ( for more details.

Posted by Andy Rushton 2005-12-13

STLplus 2.3 Released

This is a minor release which introduces two changes: a new set of smart pointer classes and a rewrite to make the library compatible with gcc v3.4 which has much stricter adherence to the C++ standard.

Posted by Andy Rushton 2005-09-06

STLplus 2.2 Released

This is the latest file release of the STLplus C++ library.

The main change is to the licensing. The old license was too restrictive to meet my aims for the library. I have changed to the more open and much more simple BSD license. This places no restrictions on who can use the library or on what kind of project, it merely protects my copyright and disclaims any responsibility for errors.

Posted by Andy Rushton 2004-09-06

STLplus version 2.1

STLplus is a collection of reusable C++ components for developers already familiar with the STL. It contains abstract data types to extend the STL, reusable components, data persistence and portability components. The collection is general-purpose and portable between Windows and Unix platforms.

This release is a bug fix and porting release. The platforms now supported are:

Intel Pentium running Windows - Visual Studio compiler
Intel Pentium running Windows - gcc compiler
Intel Pentium running Windows - Cygwin gcc
Intel Pentium running Linux
DEC Alpha (64-bit) running Linux
AMD Opteron (64-bit) running Linux
Sun Sparc running Solaris

Posted by Andy Rushton 2004-04-26

STLplus C++ Library v2.0 released

STLplus is a collection of reusable C++ components for developers already
familiar with the STL. It contains abstract data types to extend the STL,
reusable components, data persistence and portability components. The
collection is general-purpose and portable between Windows and Unix platforms.

Go to for more details

Posted by Andy Rushton 2004-01-20