
Stickies 1.8.9

* Added variables to Calculator with a couple of new keywords,
help, ? and vars to display variable information,
also operators or |, and &, xor ^, and not !

(in calc mode Alt+C)
mult = 1+2
result = mult * 3

result = 9
mult = 3
c = 9
a = 3

x = tan (3.14) // tan in radians
x = sin (3.14) // sin in radians
x = cos (3.14) // cos in radians
x = atan (3.14) // arc-tan in radians
x = asin (3.14) // arc-sin in radians
x = acos (3.14) // arc-cos in radians
x = ln (3.14) // log
x = sqrt (3.14) // square root
x = exp (3.14) // exponential
x = sin(rtod (180)) // radians to degrees
x = mod (4,3) // remainder
x = pi // pi
bin // set output in binary
hex // set output in hexidecimal
dec // set output in decimal
x = 4 & 1; x = 4 and 1; // binary and operation
x = 4 ^ 1; x = 4 xor 1; // binary xor operation
x = ! 1; x = not 1; // binary not operation
x = 4 | 1; x = 4 or 1; // binary or operation
x = 1 << 2; x = 1 shl 2; // binary shift left operation
x = 2 >> 1; x = 1 shr 2; // binary shift right operation
vars // displays created variables and values
result = a + (b / (a=c)) // create and assign new variables
help; ?; // this help

Literal Constants
0xff // Hexidecimal value
#ff // Hexidecimal value
%0001 // Binary value
1.23e-1 // Float value

* Fixed up focus changes and auto copy/paste problems. Previously, text in the clipboard was being replaced when entering focus of sticky, this has been fixed.

* Mail to function now has ability to export file as RTF or Sticky record.

* COOL Feature : Sticky Title editing is now activiated by a single click pause event by the left mouse button. Exactly how windows explorer does it when changing a file name or folder...


New Feature Request:
Have a new feature you want implemented? Send me an email, most things are considered, needs to be related to note taking though.

Posted by Steven De Toni 2004-10-25

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