
new features

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi all.I must congratulate with the sw developers for this package because I found stellarium perfect for any kind of astronomy popularisation, in schools, adult lectures and, I think, sould be ideal for medium-small size planetarium even if I did not have experience in that.I have some comments to submit to improve this package:
    - Would it be possible to simulate the sun rotation with some feature on it (SOHO image?)
    - No comets available, may be some famous objects would be nice to display
    - I would suggest some relevant double star with colours and, if possible, rotation effect
    - It would be nice to add the Jupiter satellite shadows during their transit on the planet
    - Some variable stars, mainly short period, would be nice, if the period can be simulated
    - Inserting an aperture circle of some instrument (in degrees) can be useful
    - in same cases I found useful to have, in the bottom of the screen, equatorial coordinates of the pointer
    - would it be feasible to insert some prominences during the total phase of a solar eclipse?
    - no asteroids have been found, may be few of them, the most known, would be nice
    - some times it would be useful to toggle stellarium screen with other presentations without exit the program
    I found wonderful images to insert in the Textures
    folder here:
    Just one problem, many of the images look very dim, is there any feature to increase their brigthness?
    Last request, when an object is selected, its data appears upper left, but if the 180° projection is chosed the information will be written upside down, or not?
    Thanks a lot for any effort you will do and again complimets for the superb work you are developing.
    Paolo Corelli
    Mandi Observatory

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      thanks a lot Rob, if like to I could translate the Stellarium guide in Italian.

    • Rob Spearman

      Rob Spearman - 2005-12-01

      Thank you for the detailed comments. I believe that most of these are on our list of feature requests.

      If you want to have full-brightness nebula images, set flag_bright_nebulae to true in the config.ini. Otherwise the nebula magnitude is taken into account.

      Also, if you set fullscreen to false in the config.ini you can easily switch to other applications.
