
great program

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    thanks to everyone that made this program and made it free.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you very much. I look forward to trying to project this to my elective class. I've loved reading over the homemade planetarium I have had some commercial programs in the past, none (that I've afforded) that had the same graphics quality or the ability to easily zoom in on some objects. I've had access to a starlab, this will be more accessible for the high school classes. I'd love a background with prehistoric astronomy sites (like stonehedge or chaco canyon), but from reading the user guide it seems to be a large undertaking. The speed control from day to day is also neat, I can speed it up and over about 6 minutes show the changes in the sun's position at sun rise (and it is kind of amusing to see things sped up like this).

      Alan (Massachusett, US)

      • Matthew Gates

        Matthew Gates - 2006-03-05

        Hi Alan,

        Regarding the generation of landscapes, most of the effort is getting the panorama images in the first place. After that there is a little messing about to do, but once you've done it a few times it's no so hard. If you know of any panorama images that are in the public domain and or the copyright holder is prepared to distribute under the GNU GPL license, I'm sure someone here will be willing to do the processing (myself included).

        There's limit to the number of landscapes that we want to include in the base Stellarium package because we'd like to keep the download size down, but we are interested in setting up a repository of additional landscapes, textures, scripts and so on for people to use.


    • barrykgerdes

      barrykgerdes - 2006-03-06

      Hi Alan

      In addition to Matthews offer I can also create panorams from suitable photographs. If you need one made contact me for exact requirements.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      This is the best and coolest program I've seen on all the internet in the last 15 years or so. I really wanted to pay something !! What a great implementation and thank you again.
      AP Hovasse in Montreal

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I just want to add my thanks. This is great

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      LOVE it!! Thanks a tonne :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      MAN! you guys have written a hands down outstanding astronomy program. My congrads to those who worked on this!!!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I agree. This software is even better than some commercial ones! Great job!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      big big thanks! GREAT JOB!
      Igor Israel