
Recorded scripts won't run (0.9.1,Windows XP)

  • Rob

    Rob - 2008-06-17


    I can successfully run the lunar eclipse scripts. However, when I create my own scripts (after recording with "Ctrl+m") I cannot run them. I can see various scripts that I have created when I press "m", scroll down to "7. Scripts" and then scroll through the scripts. These scripts are saved as "recorded-002.sts", for example.

    There are no error messages in the console window when I'm recording. When I have finished recording, the console says that it has saved them in the file "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\Stellarium\scripts\recorded-002.sts". But, when I try to follow this file path, I discover that there is no "Application Data" folder. I search the C: drive and there are no .sts files except the lunar eclipse scripts, which are in the folder C:\Program Files\Stellarium\scripts (this was the default that I didn't change).

    I also changed the command
    "scripting_allow_write_files = false"
    to true in the config.ini file, but that doesn't seem to have helped. My config.ini is in C:\Documents and Settings\All User\Start Menu\Programs\Stellarium.

    Do you have any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance,


    • Matthew Gates

      Matthew Gates - 2008-06-17

      When you run Stellarium, you should get a DOS window in addition to the Stellarium window (you might have to press F1 to change into windowed mode if Stellariuim runs as full screen).

      In this window, at the top, you should see some text like this:

      [ This is Stellarium 0.9.1 - ]
      [ Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Fabien Chereau et al ]

      File search paths:
      0. /home/matthew/.stellarium
      1. /usr/share/stellarium
      Config file is: /home/matthew/.stellarium/config.ini

      Please can you copy-paste the text from this DOS window into this forum post? The file path stuff is a bit ugly on windows, especially if you have previously used another version of Stellarium.


    • barrykgerdes

      barrykgerdes - 2008-06-17

      Hi Matthew

      I cannot get scripts to record from version 0.9.0 version onwards in either Windows or Linux. The file gets created OK in the default location .stellarium/scripts/xxxxx.sts Linux) or \documents and settings\barry\stellarium\scripts\xxxxx.sts (Windows) but there is nothing in it. Pre-made scripts will run however but there are a few of the old script commands that do not work any more.

      Version 0.10.0 uses \documents and settings\barry\application data\stellarium\scripts

      Do they work in your installation. This problem has been addressed in previous posts.


    • Garry Robinson

      Garry Robinson - 2008-06-18

      I would like to support what Barry says.

      Under version 0.9.0 and version 0.9.1 using Windows XP SP3 (and earlier SP2), I have really never been able to record scripts. I can find the directory where it tries to write them, but usually there are only one or two lines in the script file.

      On one occassion I think it did work, and I have tried various things at the start of recording in a random way to try and repeat it, but haven't been able to get it to go.

      Also, changing the script file as suggested by Rob didn't work for me either.

      Pre-made scripts are fine.

      So it seems to me there is a real bug in recording scripts.


    • Garry Robinson

      Garry Robinson - 2008-06-18

      I meant to say changing the config.ini file as suggested by Rob didn't work for me either.

    • Rob

      Rob - 2008-06-18

      Hi Matthew,

      Thanks for your quick responses.

      [ This is Stellarium 0.9.1 - ]
      [ Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Fabien Chereau et al ]

      File search paths:
      0. C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Application Data/Stellarium
      1. .
      Config file is: C:/Documents and Settings/Owner/Application Data/Stellarium/config.ini

      There was a lot more text about various things that were loaded, and there were also two types of warnings. One was that the file module "Ste1UI" couldn't be found, and the others were just star catalogues that weren't loaded (e.g., warning while loading " "" ": file not found: stars/default/

      Good to know I'm not alone with this problem - thanks Barry and Garry.


      • Matthew Gates

        Matthew Gates - 2008-06-18

        Having read Barry and Garry's posts, I think you just have the problem they describe - that script recording is only picking up some actions, not all.

        For example, selecting an object doesn't seem to be recorded, but toggling flags like atmosphere or constellation names seems to work.

        For now then I would recommend using version 0.8.x for recording scripts. In the development code, there will be a totally re-written scripting engine (currently the old scripting engine has been removed, and we are working out how to re-write it). The new scripting engine should be a lot more powerful.


        • Rob Spearman

          Rob Spearman - 2008-06-18

          0.8.2 is definitely the best for scripting.

          I do plan to support the existing scripting syntax in future versions even if we add another scripting language.

          To avoid confusion down the road, I have christened the original scripting language "StratoScript"
