
how to add color to satellite groups?

  • waldo kitty

    waldo kitty - 2015-02-13

    first i want to thank the team for their hard work... the fixes to the satellite module are greatly welcomed... i'm glad that i brought up the couple of problems that i did and that they have been fixed... one of those was adding satellite groups... now, i'm trying to figure out how to add/edit the colors of the groups... i've added a group for the classified satellites and added the satellites to that group... some satellites are in more than one group... so here's some questions about the satellite module...

    1. how can i add/edit the colors of the group for all satellites in the group?
    2. how can i select a primary group for a satellite so that it will have the chosen group color?
    3. is there a way to select a satellite or all the satellites in a group and edit them vs editing the group's colors?
    4. how to add or remove radio frequencies to a satellite?

    yeah, kinda more or less how do i edit satellites and their attributes from within stellarium ;)

    FWIW: i'm running the latest 0.13.2 on Kubuntu 14.0.4 from the Launchpad PPA... install went very easy and execution has had only one glitch/crash but i wasn't able to grab the log.txt as it was overwritten on the next startup after i told the system to send the bug report... don't know of that bug report made it anywhere, though...

  • Alexander Wolf

    Alexander Wolf - 2015-02-13


    Editing properties of satellites is not possible through GUI right now. We have feature request for editing of the color - - but it not implemented yet (it's not started).

    Right now you can edit properties of the satellites only with help of text editor.


    Last edit: Alexander Wolf 2015-02-13
    • waldo kitty

      waldo kitty - 2015-02-13

      right, i understand... i was hoping that it would be seen as a (set of) feature request(s)... i guess at least one part already is a feature request ;)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-02-13

    I'm another user who would like to be able to color each satellite and it's track with my choice of color using the UI instead of text editing the json file. I'm mostly coloring each GPS Block of satellites in different colors.

    I was thinking having the full 0-255 selection of RGB would do the trick - but giving it a little more thought; that would be gross overkill and probably less than 1% of the colors would ever be used.

    Maybe being able to select among 16 to 32 colors, each picked for good contrast in the display would be plenty.
