
Advance/Go back in time by minutes

Paul A.
  • Paul A.

    Paul A. - 2016-09-19

    Is there a way to advance/go back in time by minutes? The shortest I've found is hours. I've gotten around this by opening the Date/Time Window and using the arrows, but I would like something I can assign to a key. It seems to be that this might only reaquire very simple scripts, but I don't want to learn scripting.

  • Alexander Wolf

    Alexander Wolf - 2016-09-20

    I can add one-minute step for time but... where is it need?

    • Paul A.

      Paul A. - 2016-09-20

      I sometimes want to know when the moon will reach a particular azimuth so I know when it clears a big tree in our backyard. I live in the city with plenty of trees and other obstructions. I've also wondered if there is a way to ask Stellarium questions like when will the moon reach an azimuth of 160 degrees.

  • gzotti

    gzotti - 2016-09-20

    If you have a wheel mouse, use that in the time window buttons. Goes very smooth.