waldo kitty - 2014-01-06

On 1/6/2014 3:38 AM, Alexander Wolf wrote:

i don't understand what this is in reference to... i'm suspecting that you
were trying to answer my question about the satellite groups?? if so, please
make note that if one removes all satellites in the manner i described,
there is no way to add groups without manually editing the json file... it
should not be like that, IMHO...

Of course you can use GUI for create a new group - look at

as i reported before -- you /cannot/ create groups when there are no groups
already existing... this is with 0.11.4 and 0.12.4... i've tried too many
times... i'll explain it again...

  1. install stellarium
  2. enable the satellite plugin
  3. in the configure for the satellite plugin, delete all satellites
  4. add one satellite (eg: 25544 ISS)
  5. hilite that one satellite
  6. how do you create a new group??


wow! are the sources being rewritten with each release or?? one would think
that the next version would have at least the same capabilities of the
existing release... i'm just surprised, that's all...

No, current 0.13.0 of course based on 0.12.4, but (!) 0.13.0 also based on Qt5
and some features was disabled temporary when we began porting Stellarium.

P.S. We introduced "realistic mode" to Satellites plugin in 0.13.0 ;)

sounds nice but will have to wait and see if it works on my machines ;) in any
case, we look forward to it :)

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