
#1474 Install hangs using IA 2011 FP4 on Windows IA64

Install (167)

After changing to use InstallAnywhere 2011 FP 4 instead of IA 2010, IA installs on Windows IA64 hang with the following error in the IA install log:

Product Installer:
Additional Notes: FATAL ERROR - The Installer has failed due to an Unhandled Exception
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/zerog/ia/designer/SystemEnvironmentVariables (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)

STAF is actually installed/updated successfully as the error occurs after installing the product files during "Installing... Java Runtime Environment".

I opened Flexera Support Incident #SIOC-000133946 so that Flexera can look at the problem and hopefully provide a fix.

For now, I'm continuing to use IA 2010 to build IA for Windows IA64 until Flexera can problem a fix for this problem.


  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2012-10-17

    On 10/17/2012, Flexera said:

    "This problem has been reproduced and determined to be an issue in our software. This issue has been submitted to our Engineering team as Issue #IOA-000074662. Their Engineering team is going to include the fix for this in one of the upcoming HotFixes for IA 2011 SP 4."

    So, I need to check for when this hot fix for IA 2011 SP 4 becomes available.

  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2012-10-22

    On 10/22/2012, Flexera said:

    "Our Engineering team has let me know that this fix is scheduled to be included in a HotFix for IA 2011 SP 4 that is scheduled to be delivered on November 9."

  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2012-11-08
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2012-11-08

    Flexera has just provided an IA 2011 SP4 IBM HotFix C and contains the following fix:

    IOA-000074662 (SIOC-000133946) : The class com.zerog.ia.designer.SystemEnvironmentVariables was compiled with a 1.5 compiler and causes Fatal Error when installer is run with a 1.4 JVM.

    I verified that after applying HotFix C for IA 2011 FP4 and rebuilding the installer for Windows IA64, STAF can now be installed successfully on Windows IA64.


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