
Staden on FreeBSD 6.1

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm trying to install the Staden package on some FreeBSD machines and i wonder: do I compile fron sourch or use the precompiled Linux binarys. I have successfully installed it on different Linux systems before, but compile it on FreeBSD don't seem to be all that easy.
    What do you recomend?

    Mats Töpel

    • David Bauer

      David Bauer - 2007-03-09

      I have compiled in on FreeBSD6.2. You should use the thirdparty packages which are supplied with staden.
      If you are interested, I could provide you the tarball with all changes, which did compile on my system. It is not very cleanly done so I can't promise it will compile on your system.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes please, I would be very interested in that. I'll send you an E-mail. Do you have any documentation over your changes? It could be useful for debugging eventual compilation failure. And how will the thirdparty packages work with the ports already installed?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Since BSD underpins Mac OS X, and I'd like to try and get 1.7 running under the latter OS, can you please email the instructions to the list. As a matter of interest, has anyone got 1.7 to run under OS X?
      Regards, Mike D-S

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Well, I did'nt get it to work. But the linux-bin files works fine after installing some additional lib's.

      Mats Töpel


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