
How to send -16bpp when running sshvnc?

  • bwooster47

    bwooster47 - 2009-05-08

    I've looked at all the docs, but can find no way of setting the -16bpp option when running sshvnc.

    The options file only has bgr233 but no bgr565

    So now only way is to do this after the viewer is up - hit F8, then select the 16bit colors option.

    [Not sure if anyone is watching this forum, but worth a try!]

    • Karl J. Runge

      Karl J. Runge - 2009-08-17

      Hi, Sorry I wasn't watching this forum.  For reference one can email me directly at xvml AT

      Yes, you are right there is no way to set 16bpp mode in either sshvnc or ssvnc.  I'm actually glad to hear people are using it.  It is a bit of a confusing option because it only applies if the viewer-side display is 32bpp, so I hesitated to make it a well advertized option.

      Maybe I will add this option to the GUI at some point.  Until then I think this will work, set the VNCVIEWERCMD_OVERRIDE env. var. before starting sshvnc, e.g.:

      # env VNCVIEWERCMD_OVERRIDE='vncviewer -bgr565' sshvnc

      Let me know if that works OK for you.

    • Karl J. Runge

      Karl J. Runge - 2009-08-17

      I uploaded new SSVNC 1.0.24 tarballs to my site.  I added a catch-all setting named  'Extra  Options' under Options -> Advanced -> Unix ssvncviewer

      You would just put -16bpp in the entry box. The value will be saved in profiles, etc.

      If you try it let me know how it goes.


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