
Tree [49b540] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 bash 2009-08-24 Grant McLean Grant McLean [52e7bb] implement a bash_completion recipe
 bin 2012-07-25 Grant McLean Grant McLean [e4b24f] disable warnings - they can't all be fixed unde...
 debian 2009-08-24 Grant McLean Grant McLean [52e7bb] implement a bash_completion recipe
 lib 2012-07-25 Grant McLean Grant McLean [49b540] fix backup copy of config under Ruby 1.9
 misc 2010-10-10 Grant McLean Grant McLean [b90648] Merge branch 'master' of git://sshmenu.git.sour...
 test 2007-10-13 Grant McLean Grant McLean [ef0b71] - build_ui() no longer takes an argument
 .gitignore 2009-08-15 Grant McLean Grant McLean [684990] ignore release tarballs and the .deb build dire...
 .irbrc 2007-09-29 Grant McLean Grant McLean [7c66ab] - fix up library path in .irbrc
 Changes 2009-08-24 Grant McLean Grant McLean [58f233] for 3.18 release
 License.txt 2009-08-16 Grant McLean Grant McLean [9aea72] Update copyright year and license link
 Makefile 2009-08-24 Grant McLean Grant McLean [52e7bb] implement a bash_completion recipe
 Makefile.dist 2009-08-24 Grant McLean Grant McLean [52e7bb] implement a bash_completion recipe
 README 2009-08-16 Grant McLean Grant McLean [9aea72] Update copyright year and license link
 TODO 2010-10-10 Grant McLean Grant McLean [b90648] Merge branch 'master' of git://sshmenu.git.sour...
 gnome-sshmenu-applet.png 2005-09-28 Grant McLean Grant McLean [00449e] Replaced Perl version and support files with Ru... 2009-01-15 Grant McLean Grant McLean [a4f5dd] - script to build .debs from release tarball
 sshmenu-applet 2009-08-16 Grant McLean Grant McLean [9aea72] Update copyright year and license link
 sshmenu-applet.server 2006-06-28 Grant McLean Grant McLean [0e39e8] - renamed panel applet wrapper
 sshmenu.1 2009-08-24 Grant McLean Grant McLean [87810e] document the --list-completions option
 wizard-icon.png 2006-06-09 Grant McLean Grant McLean [5951ec] - initial check-in

Read Me


  sshmenu-applet is a GNOME panel applet for connecting to hosts using SSH.
  It can also be run as a standalone application without GNOME dependencies.

  sshmenu-applet puts all your most frequently used SSH connections on a handy
  menu in your GNOME panel.  Click on a host name to open a new gnome-terminal
  window with an ssh connection to the selected host.  Set up SSH options (such
  as port forwarding etc) and select a gnome terminal profile (for colour
  schemes, font sizes etc) using the preferences dialog.

  The application is implemented as a set of Ruby classes so you should be able
  to hack it to work in contexts other than the GNOME panel (e.g.: a standalone
  menu button; swallowed into the panel of another window manager; or embedded
  into your own Ruby-GTK application).


  sshmenu-applet is a Ruby script which uses the following ruby library
  packages (on Debian):

    libgtk2-ruby libpanel-applet2-ruby libgconf2-ruby

  You should also have an ssh-agent running and have either x11-ssh-askpass
  or gnome-ssh-askpass installed.


  The simplest way to install the sshmenu-applet is to install the Debian
  packages.  Of course if you're not running Debian then that might not be
  so simple.

  The files from the distribution should be installed as follows:

  lib/sshmenu.rb - a Ruby library that implements the standalone SSHMenu UI
    (without GNOME dependencies).  It should be installed in a standard Ruby
    library directory, e.g.: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/sshmenu.rb

  lib/gnome-sshmenu.rb - a Ruby library that adds the GNOME-specific features
    to SSHMenu.  It should also be installed in a standard Ruby library

  sshmenu-applet - a small wrapper script that uses sshmenu.rb to create
    an instance of the application in a panel applet window.  It can be 
    installed anywhere as long as the path in the .server file (see below)
    is adjusted to point to it.  Typical location:

  gnome-sshmenu-applet.png - an icon used to represent the applet in the 
    GNOME panel applet selector dialog ("Add to Panel").  It must be 
    installed wherever your GNOME installation expects to find applet icons.
    Typical location:

  sshmenu-applet.server - file used to register the applet so that it can be
    found and started by GNOME.  It must be adjusted to include the full
    pathname of where you installed sshmenu-applet.rb and would typically
    be installed as:

  bin/sshmenu - a short wrapper script which implements the menu using the
    sshmenu.rb library. This file should go in /usr/bin and must be
    executable. (Not required at all for running the panel applet).

  bin/sshmenu-gnome - a short wrapper script implements the standalone menu
    with GNOME-specific functionality. It should live in the same directory
    as sshmenu (above) and should also be executable.  (Also not required for
    running the panel applet).

  For more information, see the installation and packaging guide:


  A user would typically customise the list of hosts which appear on the menu
  using the preferences dialog.  More complex customisations can be achieved
  using techniques described in the Hacker's Guide:


  Copyright 2002-2009 Grant McLean <>

  This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the terms of the License.txt file (a BSD-style license) distributed 
  with the software.