
Question about start up a team

  • Hang

    Hang - 2008-07-04

    Dear all,

    I know that if I want to construct a player in the match, I need to send the message"(init TeamName[(version VerNum)]) to the server, then I can see a player in the center. What I want to ask is that if I want to construct a team, 11 players, should I send this message for 11 times? and if I want to construct a opponent team, should I type 11 times more?

    The second question is that when the player is constructed in the center, he starts moving immediately, what should I set so that he can only move after I press kick-off?

    Thank you.


    • Vegabird Kang

      Vegabird Kang - 2008-07-22

      1 program (process) represents 1 player. you should invoke your client 11 times, each of them sends inital message independantly. Then, server will assign ID(uniform number) for each player, in reply mesage.

      null-terminated might means that your string message should be terminated by '\0' like c-style string.

    • Hang

      Hang - 2008-07-04

      Have a further explanation for the above question:

      I send the message "(init TeamName[(version VerNum)])" to the server in, should I make 11 objects from this class? For example:

      Player[] player = new player[11];

      for i = 0-10
      player[i] = .........


      where start() is executed, the init message will be sent to the server.

      is it correct to write this?

      Also, I print the received message from the server, I see that some of the messages are "warning message_not_null_terminated", what is the meaning?

      Thank you.



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