
#5 RPI accessory support

Unstable (example)
Rpi (1)
1 Attachments


Patches: #5


  • Richard Andrews

    Richard Andrews - 2014-01-22

    I will write up a readme file for this. Basically it is an addition for the electronics hobbyist. The Raspberry Pi features much in i-o capabilites. It has 2 SPI buses, 2 I2C buses, as well as two USB ports and more

  • Guido Scholz

    Guido Scholz - 2014-01-22

    I recommend to use "speaking" file names e.g. "srcpd-2.1.2-rpi.diff", so everyone knows: This patch is applicable to srcpd-2.1.2. File extensions for patches are ".diff" or ".patch".

    The patch contains hard coded filepaths. This should be avoided. What about these files (setsm, rpi-script, ...)?

    • Richard Andrews

      Richard Andrews - 2014-01-23


      It has been far too long a time since I used patch and friends. Remember
      Usenet and comp.sources.unix? Yes, it has been that long. What would be
      the best procedure to create a proper diff/patch file?

      The hard coded pathnames in the rpi driver are something of an issue.
      Would srcpd.conf be a good place to define the names? If somewhere else,
      let me know. I never could decide so I went hard coded.

      The external support programs (setfb, etc) need some work. While they are
      currently functional, I need to change some of the code. One thing I have
      to change has to do with setting the CVs for the servo/LED controllers.
      Right now the CVs for servo end points take two CVs each. I need to
      change that to a single CV of a 16 bit word for each end point. This will
      reduce the total number of CVs needed by maxservos*2 and make it easier for
      the user to set.

      Another change I need to make is to support relay switching as a separate
      device. Right now the relays are triggered by the servo movement. While
      this is OK, I feel that having the option of allowing the UI to control
      relays is better.

      This will take a few weeks to accomplish these tasks. I am in the throes
      of laying about 4000 scale feet of bridge track. What with guard rails and
      guard timbers, it is taking a while.

      On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 3:10 PM, Guido Scholz wrote:

      I recommend to use "speaking" file names e.g. "srcpd-2.1.2-rpi.diff", so
      everyone knows: This patch is applicable to srcpd-2.1.2. File extensions
      for patches are ".diff" or ".patch".

      The patch contains hard coded filepaths. This should be avoided. What
      about these files (setsm, rpi-script, ...)?

      Status: open
      Labels: Rpi
      Created: Wed Jan 22, 2014 04:19 AM UTC by Richard Andrews
      Last Updated: Wed Jan 22, 2014 04:23 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

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      Richard Andrews
      A&E Tool, LLC



      Patches: #5

  • Richard Andrews

    Richard Andrews - 2014-01-26


    I need to know how to create a good patch file.

    Assuming I have two dirs and one is named "Orig" and the other "New" what would the command be?

  • Guido Scholz

    Guido Scholz - 2014-01-26

    Hi Richard,
    this is quite simple:

    diff -Nur Orig New > my_patch_file.diff

    You may have a look at this patch file not to include something do do not want. I suggest to run a "make clean" in every directory before you create the patch, this will avoid including binary diffs.

    Concerning discussing details of your driver implementation I recommend to continue the topic on the mailinglist.



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