
#148 Plugin spam_buttons only reports one mail at once


Plugin spam_buttons (Version 1.0) only reports one mail
at once when I use it with sa-learn and the sudo
method. When I select multiple mails in a folder and
press the Spam button, only the first mail gets
reported as spam and it's status is set to read. It
should report all of them and preferably not change the
read status (or change it back to unread after fetching
it from thhe IMAP server). A nice (configurable) option
would be to automatically delete all the marked mails
after reporting them as spam.

Using SquirrelMail 1.4.4 with cyrus IMAP server on
Debian Linux Apache 1.x, PHP 4.3.10-16


  • Tomas Kuliavas

    Tomas Kuliavas - 2006-05-26
    • labels: 477103 -->
  • Paul Lesniewski

    Paul Lesniewski - 2007-09-17
    • assigned_to: nobody --> pdontthink
  • Paul Lesniewski

    Paul Lesniewski - 2008-01-30

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Reporting more than one message at once is not possible for all reporting mechanisms and introduces mechanism-specific coding, which is contrary to the spirit of the plugin (to support any mechanism). If you have a patch suggestion or idea of how to implement this, please submit it to the plugin author or the plugins mailing list.

    The newest release of the plugin should support deletion after reporting amongst other functionalities.


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