
#352 Squirrelmail 1.4.3 (stable) with no frames


Here's my patch to get rid of those damn frames in SM.
The patch is made against latest stable version (1.4.3a
at the moment). Please note that this version contain
NO folder tree. The folder navigation is done using
plain SELECT gadget. Practically it makes no difference
to you as user, but if you used to use some plugins
that 'docked' in the folder list pane - they are gone.


  • Marcin Orlowski

    Marcin Orlowski - 2004-10-25

    Logged In: YES

    How to apply the patch:

    Get the 1.4.3a official archive. Unpack. Get the patch
    archive. Unpack. Enter the "squirrelmail-1.4.3a" directory
    and use "patch -p1 <patchfile.patch"

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    While this patch may work for people with 1.4.3a (but it
    looks like you missed some things), I suggest that you keep
    an eye on the development branch of the SquirrelMail code,
    where there is already frameless functionality built in.
    This is a list of things to consider as alternatives and
    problems with this patch from the SquirrelMail Users mailing
    list by Tomas Kuliavas:

    a) see jump_to_folder plugin. You can use it instead
    modifying sm source

    b) i think, you missed left_main links in folder management
    option pages.
    Links show up when you create new folder or change folder

    c) some people have different opinion about frames. there is
    no need to
    shout (capital letters usually mean that) or use some
    specific words
    together with word "frames".


  • Marcin Orlowski

    Marcin Orlowski - 2004-10-26

    Logged In: YES

    Yes, it's intended for 1.4.3a users. It's intentional as I
    mostly wanted to those changes for my production use hence
    my changes in stable release only. As for missing things -
    it may always happen - let me know if you trace anything
    that needs correction.

    a) It won't fully solve the issue, since plugin won't be
    i.e. when user is playing with settings. And if so, I'd
    prefer not to rely on external code if I need to modify
    source code anyway.

    b) Thanks for spotting that. Patch 02 corrects that ommision.

    c) Some people usually got own opinions, some are even
    opposite to yours and that's nothing new I think. However if
    you think I'm shouting just because of "FRAMELESS" being
    capitalised may be either internet newbie or simply
    hypersensitive. Even you like frames in SM you should sleep
    well no matter how it's written ;)

    d) Thanks, but that's not what I fully wanted. Getting rid
    of frames was one goal but I also wanted to gain some
    display space. That's why I wipped folder tree out instead
    of attempting to reconstruct it in frameless enviroment.

  • Marcin Orlowski

    Marcin Orlowski - 2004-10-26

    Patch to make SM 1.4.3a completely frameless

  • Marcin Orlowski

    Marcin Orlowski - 2004-10-26
    • summary: Squirrelmail with NO FRAMES is here! --> Squirrelmail 1.4.3 (stable) with no frames
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    >>>a) see jump_to_folder plugin. You can use it instead
    modifying sm source
    >>>>>> directly.
    >>>> It won't fully solve the issue, since plugin won't be
    >>>> i.e. when user is playing with settings. And if so, I'd
    prefer not to rely on
    >>>> external code if I need to modify source code anyway.
    >> plugin can be controled by end user, but controls can
    also be disabled by admin.
    >> SquirrelMail uses modular interface and selection box
    that you want
    >> to add can be implemented with existing squirrelmail
    hooks. I suspect that you can
    >> also remove frames with help of some hooks too. if
    preview_pane plugin manages to
    >> add extra frame, then some other plug might be able
    remove it.
    >> if you disable ----
    >> 'jump_to_folder_options';
    >> ----
    >> in plugins/jump_to_folder/setup.php, user options are
    >> If you disable
    >> ----
    >> if (!isset($jump_to_folder_show_mailbox) ||
    !$jump_to_folder_show_mailbox) return;
    >> ----
    >> in jump_to_folder_on_menu() function, selection box will
    be always displayed.
    >> read doc/plugins.txt and try to use existing options
    before you start changing
    >> squirrelmail core scripts.

    I would also like to point out that the first version of
    the frameless SM that the
    CVS Branch is based was actually plugin based, with a few
    minor changes to SM to
    add the necessary hooks. So it can definitely be done via a
    plugin with only
    minor changes to the core. Just browsing through the patch,
    it appears that it
    just strips out everything to do with frames, instead of
    allowing a user or admin
    the option to have it one way or the other, or both.
    Everyone has a way they
    perfer, and they should be free to make that choice (as the
    CVS Branch allows). I
    personally don't mind frames, I like the fact that I don't
    have to reload the
    folder list everytime I click something on the page, but I
    also respect other
    peoples choices too, so thus my branch gives them the option
    to "Have it your
    way". As far as doing away with the folder list. Some
    people might like it, and
    again, some people may not, so an option should probably be
    put in there for that
    too. I personally can not live without my folder list. I
    have 28 folders which
    mail is filtered into, 12 of them are mailing lists. I
    would not like to have to
    browse to every single one of them inorder to see if I have
    new messages, with the
    folder list, I can just look and with a single glance see
    that 2 of my lists have
    new messages, and that I also have a message from my brother.

    I guess it all boils down to one thing, choice. No one
    would be happy with just
    one way to do things, we have to cater to whims of everyone
    else. Some people
    bicker because we don't have noframes support, if we moved
    to a complete noframes
    version, people would bicker because they liked frames.
    Some people would want to
    remove the folder list, but once removed, people (including
    me) would complain
    because now checking their email becomes a chore. As a
    community based group, we
    have to strive to find a balance that everyone would be
    happy with, and the
    simplest way to do that is to allows the admin/users to
    decide on their own

    As it is now, I can not see this patch ever being accepted
    into the SM core, it
    offers no choice. Also the whole reason that the CVS branch
    version is based on
    Devel is because most people running 1.4.X run it because it
    is the Stable branch.
    The code has been tested, and retested to ensure that it is
    not borked. I can't
    see many of these people applying a major patch to a already
    stable branch, that
    kinda defeats the purpose. If the SM developers were to
    consider this patch, it
    means we would have to convert it to work with Devel, since
    that is where it would
    be applied (only bug fixes in Stable branch), and then we
    would have to completely
    rewrite it to give the users a choice.

    I do thank you for your effort and the work you have put
    into the patch. I am
    sure that there are several people that will make use of it,
    and will be very
    happy with it. But as a developer, I have to look at the
    whole picture, and I can
    see that without lots of changes, this patch does not go in
    the direction that I
    believe that SM is heading. But don't let this discourage
    your efforts, your work
    and time is appreciated. I am hoping that we can combine
    your work, with the work
    that we have already put into the seperate CVS branch, and
    meet on a common
    ground. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel is alot of
    the work has already
    been done. All that really needs to be done, is add an
    option in the CVS branch
    to completely remove the folder list, plus a few other minor
    right to left issues
    (for Hebrew, ect..).

    If anyone else has any comments on this, I would be gald
    to hear them. I do feel
    that it is about time we start work on the noframes support
    in SM again. But then
    we get into the whole templates debate also. Once templates
    are implemented, the
    noframes support will be done completely through them, so
    should we even bother
    with it now (and have to remove it all later), or focus on
    templating SM, which is
    a more pressing goal...


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    >>>a) see jump_to_folder plugin. You can use it instead
    modifying sm source
    >>>>>> directly.
    >>>> It won't fully solve the issue, since plugin won't be
    >>>> i.e. when user is playing with settings. And if so, I'd
    prefer not to rely on
    >>>> external code if I need to modify source code anyway.
    >> plugin can be controled by end user, but controls can
    also be disabled by admin.
    >> SquirrelMail uses modular interface and selection box
    that you want
    >> to add can be implemented with existing squirrelmail
    hooks. I suspect that you can
    >> also remove frames with help of some hooks too. if
    preview_pane plugin manages to
    >> add extra frame, then some other plug might be able
    remove it.
    >> if you disable ----
    >> 'jump_to_folder_options';
    >> ----
    >> in plugins/jump_to_folder/setup.php, user options are
    >> If you disable
    >> ----
    >> if (!isset($jump_to_folder_show_mailbox) ||
    !$jump_to_folder_show_mailbox) return;
    >> ----
    >> in jump_to_folder_on_menu() function, selection box will
    be always displayed.
    >> read doc/plugins.txt and try to use existing options
    before you start changing
    >> squirrelmail core scripts.

    I would also like to point out that the first version of
    the frameless SM that the
    CVS Branch is based was actually plugin based, with a few
    minor changes to SM to
    add the necessary hooks. So it can definitely be done via a
    plugin with only
    minor changes to the core. Just browsing through the patch,
    it appears that it
    just strips out everything to do with frames, instead of
    allowing a user or admin
    the option to have it one way or the other, or both.
    Everyone has a way they
    perfer, and they should be free to make that choice (as the
    CVS Branch allows). I
    personally don't mind frames, I like the fact that I don't
    have to reload the
    folder list everytime I click something on the page, but I
    also respect other
    peoples choices too, so thus my branch gives them the option
    to "Have it your
    way". As far as doing away with the folder list. Some
    people might like it, and
    again, some people may not, so an option should probably be
    put in there for that
    too. I personally can not live without my folder list. I
    have 28 folders which
    mail is filtered into, 12 of them are mailing lists. I
    would not like to have to
    browse to every single one of them inorder to see if I have
    new messages, with the
    folder list, I can just look and with a single glance see
    that 2 of my lists have
    new messages, and that I also have a message from my brother.

    I guess it all boils down to one thing, choice. No one
    would be happy with just
    one way to do things, we have to cater to whims of everyone
    else. Some people
    bicker because we don't have noframes support, if we moved
    to a complete noframes
    version, people would bicker because they liked frames.
    Some people would want to
    remove the folder list, but once removed, people (including
    me) would complain
    because now checking their email becomes a chore. As a
    community based group, we
    have to strive to find a balance that everyone would be
    happy with, and the
    simplest way to do that is to allows the admin/users to
    decide on their own

    As it is now, I can not see this patch ever being accepted
    into the SM core, it
    offers no choice. Also the whole reason that the CVS branch
    version is based on
    Devel is because most people running 1.4.X run it because it
    is the Stable branch.
    The code has been tested, and retested to ensure that it is
    not borked. I can't
    see many of these people applying a major patch to a already
    stable branch, that
    kinda defeats the purpose. If the SM developers were to
    consider this patch, it
    means we would have to convert it to work with Devel, since
    that is where it would
    be applied (only bug fixes in Stable branch), and then we
    would have to completely
    rewrite it to give the users a choice.

    I do thank you for your effort and the work you have put
    into the patch. I am
    sure that there are several people that will make use of it,
    and will be very
    happy with it. But as a developer, I have to look at the
    whole picture, and I can
    see that without lots of changes, this patch does not go in
    the direction that I
    believe that SM is heading. But don't let this discourage
    your efforts, your work
    and time is appreciated. I am hoping that we can combine
    your work, with the work
    that we have already put into the seperate CVS branch, and
    meet on a common
    ground. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel is alot of
    the work has already
    been done. All that really needs to be done, is add an
    option in the CVS branch
    to completely remove the folder list, plus a few other minor
    right to left issues
    (for Hebrew, ect..).

    If anyone else has any comments on this, I would be gald
    to hear them. I do feel
    that it is about time we start work on the noframes support
    in SM again. But then
    we get into the whole templates debate also. Once templates
    are implemented, the
    noframes support will be done completely through them, so
    should we even bother
    with it now (and have to remove it all later), or focus on
    templating SM, which is
    a more pressing goal...


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    From mailing list:

    >>>a) see jump_to_folder plugin. You can use it instead
    modifying sm source
    >>>>>> directly.
    >>>> It won't fully solve the issue, since plugin won't be
    >>>> i.e. when user is playing with settings. And if so, I'd
    prefer not to rely on
    >>>> external code if I need to modify source code anyway.
    >> plugin can be controled by end user, but controls can
    also be disabled by admin.
    >> SquirrelMail uses modular interface and selection box
    that you want
    >> to add can be implemented with existing squirrelmail
    hooks. I suspect that you can
    >> also remove frames with help of some hooks too. if
    preview_pane plugin manages to
    >> add extra frame, then some other plug might be able
    remove it.
    >> if you disable ----
    >> 'jump_to_folder_options';
    >> ----
    >> in plugins/jump_to_folder/setup.php, user options are
    >> If you disable
    >> ----
    >> if (!isset($jump_to_folder_show_mailbox) ||
    !$jump_to_folder_show_mailbox) return;
    >> ----
    >> in jump_to_folder_on_menu() function, selection box will
    be always displayed.
    >> read doc/plugins.txt and try to use existing options
    before you start changing
    >> squirrelmail core scripts.

    I would also like to point out that the first version of
    the frameless SM that the
    CVS Branch is based was actually plugin based, with a few
    minor changes to SM to
    add the necessary hooks. So it can definitely be done via a
    plugin with only
    minor changes to the core. Just browsing through the patch,
    it appears that it
    just strips out everything to do with frames, instead of
    allowing a user or admin
    the option to have it one way or the other, or both.
    Everyone has a way they
    perfer, and they should be free to make that choice (as the
    CVS Branch allows). I
    personally don't mind frames, I like the fact that I don't
    have to reload the
    folder list everytime I click something on the page, but I
    also respect other
    peoples choices too, so thus my branch gives them the option
    to "Have it your
    way". As far as doing away with the folder list. Some
    people might like it, and
    again, some people may not, so an option should probably be
    put in there for that
    too. I personally can not live without my folder list. I
    have 28 folders which
    mail is filtered into, 12 of them are mailing lists. I
    would not like to have to
    browse to every single one of them inorder to see if I have
    new messages, with the
    folder list, I can just look and with a single glance see
    that 2 of my lists have
    new messages, and that I also have a message from my brother.

    I guess it all boils down to one thing, choice. No one
    would be happy with just
    one way to do things, we have to cater to whims of everyone
    else. Some people
    bicker because we don't have noframes support, if we moved
    to a complete noframes
    version, people would bicker because they liked frames.
    Some people would want to
    remove the folder list, but once removed, people (including
    me) would complain
    because now checking their email becomes a chore. As a
    community based group, we
    have to strive to find a balance that everyone would be
    happy with, and the
    simplest way to do that is to allows the admin/users to
    decide on their own

    As it is now, I can not see this patch ever being accepted
    into the SM core, it
    offers no choice. Also the whole reason that the CVS branch
    version is based on
    Devel is because most people running 1.4.X run it because it
    is the Stable branch.
    The code has been tested, and retested to ensure that it is
    not borked. I can't
    see many of these people applying a major patch to a already
    stable branch, that
    kinda defeats the purpose. If the SM developers were to
    consider this patch, it
    means we would have to convert it to work with Devel, since
    that is where it would
    be applied (only bug fixes in Stable branch), and then we
    would have to completely
    rewrite it to give the users a choice.

    I do thank you for your effort and the work you have put
    into the patch. I am
    sure that there are several people that will make use of it,
    and will be very
    happy with it. But as a developer, I have to look at the
    whole picture, and I can
    see that without lots of changes, this patch does not go in
    the direction that I
    believe that SM is heading. But don't let this discourage
    your efforts, your work
    and time is appreciated. I am hoping that we can combine
    your work, with the work
    that we have already put into the seperate CVS branch, and
    meet on a common
    ground. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel is alot of
    the work has already
    been done. All that really needs to be done, is add an
    option in the CVS branch
    to completely remove the folder list, plus a few other minor
    right to left issues
    (for Hebrew, ect..).

    If anyone else has any comments on this, I would be gald
    to hear them. I do feel
    that it is about time we start work on the noframes support
    in SM again. But then
    we get into the whole templates debate also. Once templates
    are implemented, the
    noframes support will be done completely through them, so
    should we even bother
    with it now (and have to remove it all later), or focus on
    templating SM, which is
    a more pressing goal...


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    From mailing list:

    >>>a) see jump_to_folder plugin. You can use it instead
    modifying sm source
    >>>>>> directly.
    >>>> It won't fully solve the issue, since plugin won't be
    >>>> i.e. when user is playing with settings. And if so, I'd
    prefer not to rely on
    >>>> external code if I need to modify source code anyway.
    >> plugin can be controled by end user, but controls can also
    be disabled by admin.
    >> SquirrelMail uses modular interface and selection box that
    you want
    >> to add can be implemented with existing squirrelmail
    hooks. I suspect that you can
    >> also remove frames with help of some hooks too. if
    preview_pane plugin manages to
    >> add extra frame, then some other plug might be able
    remove it.
    >> if you disable ----
    >> $squirrelmail_plugin_hooks['options_folder_inside']
    ['jump_to_folder'] =
    >> 'jump_to_folder_options';
    >> ----
    >> in plugins/jump_to_folder/setup.php, user options are
    >> If you disable
    >> ----
    >> if (!isset($jump_to_folder_show_mailbox) || !
    $jump_to_folder_show_mailbox) return;
    >> ----
    >> in jump_to_folder_on_menu() function, selection box will
    be always displayed.
    >> read doc/plugins.txt and try to use existing options before
    you start changing
    >> squirrelmail core scripts.

    I would also like to point out that the first version of the
    frameless SM that the
    CVS Branch is based was actually plugin based, with a few
    minor changes to SM to
    add the necessary hooks. So it can definitely be done via a
    plugin with only
    minor changes to the core. Just browsing through the patch,
    it appears that it
    just strips out everything to do with frames, instead of
    allowing a user or admin
    the option to have it one way or the other, or both.
    Everyone has a way they
    perfer, and they should be free to make that choice (as the
    CVS Branch allows). I
    personally don't mind frames, I like the fact that I don't have
    to reload the
    folder list everytime I click something on the page, but I also
    respect other
    peoples choices too, so thus my branch gives them the
    option to "Have it your
    way". As far as doing away with the folder list. Some people
    might like it, and
    again, some people may not, so an option should probably be
    put in there for that
    too. I personally can not live without my folder list. I have
    28 folders which
    mail is filtered into, 12 of them are mailing lists. I would not
    like to have to
    browse to every single one of them inorder to see if I have
    new messages, with the
    folder list, I can just look and with a single glance see that 2
    of my lists have
    new messages, and that I also have a message from my

    I guess it all boils down to one thing, choice. No one would
    be happy with just
    one way to do things, we have to cater to whims of
    everyone else. Some people
    bicker because we don't have noframes support, if we moved
    to a complete noframes
    version, people would bicker because they liked frames.
    Some people would want to
    remove the folder list, but once removed, people (including
    me) would complain
    because now checking their email becomes a chore. As a
    community based group, we
    have to strive to find a balance that everyone would be
    happy with, and the
    simplest way to do that is to allows the admin/users to
    decide on their own

    As it is now, I can not see this patch ever being accepted
    into the SM core, it
    offers no choice. Also the whole reason that the CVS branch
    version is based on
    Devel is because most people running 1.4.X run it because it
    is the Stable branch.
    The code has been tested, and retested to ensure that it is
    not borked. I can't
    see many of these people applying a major patch to a already
    stable branch, that
    kinda defeats the purpose. If the SM developers were to
    consider this patch, it
    means we would have to convert it to work with Devel, since
    that is where it would
    be applied (only bug fixes in Stable branch), and then we
    would have to completely
    rewrite it to give the users a choice.

    I do thank you for your effort and the work you have put
    into the patch. I am
    sure that there are several people that will make use of it,
    and will be very
    happy with it. But as a developer, I have to look at the
    whole picture, and I can
    see that without lots of changes, this patch does not go in
    the direction that I
    believe that SM is heading. But don't let this discourage your
    efforts, your work
    and time is appreciated. I am hoping that we can combine
    your work, with the work
    that we have already put into the seperate CVS branch, and
    meet on a common
    ground. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel is alot of
    the work has already
    been done. All that really needs to be done, is add an option
    in the CVS branch
    to completely remove the folder list, plus a few other minor
    right to left issues
    (for Hebrew, ect..).

    If anyone else has any comments on this, I would be gald to
    hear them. I do feel
    that it is about time we start work on the noframes support
    in SM again. But then
    we get into the whole templates debate also. Once
    templates are implemented, the
    noframes support will be done completely through them, so
    should we even bother
    with it now (and have to remove it all later), or focus on
    templating SM, which is
    a more pressing goal...


  • Marcin Orlowski

    Marcin Orlowski - 2004-10-27

    Logged In: YES

    As it seems some people read my intention wrong I need to
    clear the whole picture a bit. I need to mentioned that all
    those changes I've made to the SM code that this patch
    contais was driven by my and only my needs (no frames, no
    folder tree in general). I just simply wanted to shape SM to
    make it as it looks when patched. Therefore it was never
    intended to be a patch for general use, however rather small
    range of my modifications and changes may make them useful
    for other people (version I personally use is even more
    tailored - the patch does not cover so specific
    modifications). As one of the guys noted, I do not offer you
    a choice. I was intentional - I had no time to contribute in
    the "right way"{tm} with plugins and stuff. I just chopped
    here, added there to get what I wanted. With no
    configuration option to reverse my changes (unpatching does
    not count ;) I would date to expected such code to be merged
    with any branches. It shall be rather considered as
    "contributed work" and such land in such section. Since
    there's nothing like that on SF, it landed in patches. The
    patch is made against stable branch (and only agains that)
    as it does not offer "general revolution" to the code, so
    when applied, it is not expected to violate SM stability. So
    if one likes the way stable branch works *and* shares my
    general needs then the patch is for him/her. All the others
    will be happier with official code optionally enchanced with
    proper set of plugins.

    PS: I was never expected this would attract so much
    attention ;) Thanks for all the notes and comments. Please
    keep in mind this is rather mutation than evolution and keep
    using it as such.

  • Thijs Kinkhorst

    Thijs Kinkhorst - 2005-04-06
    • priority: 5 --> 1

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